Are you looking for a method of curing asthma naturally that does not involve the use of steroids and drugs? More and more asthmatics are turning away from the use of pharmaceutical drugs to control their asthma and are looking for more natural alternatives. This article lists some remedies that aim to cure asthma the natural way.

Asthma is a condition that can have a serious impact on your quality of life. Many children who suffer from asthma are pulled out of school for long periods of time and are not able to take part in school sports and activities. This can have a huge psychological effect on a child and can lead to depression and worsening of health problems.

Here is a list of some natural remedies that you may find helpful in treating and controlling your asthma. They are divided into herbal remedies for consumption, breathing techniques and holistic approaches to treating asthma.

Herbal remedies - The most popular herb being used for treating asthma is Adhatoda also known as the Malabar Nut which works as a bronchodilator. It increases airflow in the lungs and is also a mild expectorant to get rid of excess mucus and phlegm. Another herbal remedy is Anise seed tea. This tea is an antihistamine that reduces inflammation and helps to open air passages and relieve wheezing.
A less well-known herb is Asclepias Tuberosa. Known as a vasodilator, it relaxes the muscles surrounding the bronchial passage and is very soothing.

Breathing Techniques - Pranayama is a breathing technique used in yoga. These exercises should be practiced depending on what usually triggers the asthma attack. Another popular method is the Buteyko method. This method believes that hyperventilation is the reason for asthma. Buteyko is based on techniques to normalise breathing patterns and reduce the extent of hyperventilation.

Holistic Treatments - Acupuncture is a whole body treatment that aims to unblock any meridians (energy lines) that are contributing to asthma. This method involves the use of acupuncture needles and may not be for everyone! Another method that is gaining in popularity is the Bowen Technique. This is a very gentle technique that aims to treat the cause of asthma. It re balances the nervous system thereby reducing the reaction to triggers and allergies. It is also very effective at relaxing the breathing muscles surrounding the chest making it easier to breathe during an asthma attack as well as reducing the symptoms of asthma such as wheezing and coughing.

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A new study out of Sweden confirms that asthma is a risk for Celiac disease and visa versa. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition of the lungs characterized by bouts of wheezing and or coughing symptoms with difficulty getting your breath. It can be fatal. It is increasing in incidence. It has genetic risk factors as well as environmental triggers, especially allergies. It is probably another form of an autoimmune disease triggered in genetically susceptible individuals.

The researchers found that people with Celiac disease (CD) were more likely to develop Asthma. Conversely, people with asthma were more likely to eventually develop CD. As a physician who diagnoses and treats a lot of people with CD and gluten sensitivity this is confirmation of an observation as well as the impression of many individuals in the lay community. This research supports our observations and impression. The study is a strong one. It compares 28,000 people diagnosed with Celiac in Sweden with 140,000 controls without Celiac. Those with Celiac disease were 60% more likely to develop asthma than control patients. Also, those with Asthma were more likely to have or develop Celiac disease. The researchers did caution that though the study strongly supports a link between asthma and Celiac it does not support the conclusion that one causes the other.

Professionally, I have several patients and colleagues with asthma who have Celiac. This includes a pediatrician who also suffers from broncholitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia also known as BOOP and a pulmonary critical care specialist with gluten sensitivity. They have both shared with me that they are convinced of a link between Celiac or gluten and lung disease.

Celiac and gluten have been linked to other chronic lung diseases, such as Sarcoidosis and lymphocytic bronchoalveolitis. Ron Hoggan,Ed.D, co-author of "Cereal Killers-Celiac Disease and Gluten-Free A to Z" in which I have several chapters, writes on this topic and his personal experience with lung disease as a Celiac.

Regarding possible reasons for the link, Dr. Ludvigsson postulated besides common genetics and immunity that may be low levels of Vitamin D may play a role. Vitamin D deficiency is seen in both conditions. Vitamin D ingestion has been advocated by some because of anti-inflammatory benefits but no specific recommendations can or have been made for Vitamin D supplementation in when levels are normal.

This study confirms Celiac disease and gluten sensitive can be linked to asthma and visa versa. It validates the experience of many people, most of whom were told by well-meaning physicians that there was no link between asthma and Celiac or gluten.If you have asthma, get screened for Celiac disease. If you have Celiac disease and have breathing symptoms get an evaluation. If your health care provider discounts any link share with them this blog, the original article, lead author J. Ludvigsson, in the Journal of Allergy and Immunology 2011.

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Termite Fumigation can cause some serious problems for certain individuals with Asthma and Allergies. Vikane is the usual chemical treatment method for dry wood termite problems. It is a gas that is used in relation to tenting homes for termites. What this means it that your entire home will be sealed under a covering that looks like a tent. Then they pump Vikane Gas aka Sulfuryl Fluoride inside and circulate it with fans for one day. The next day, the tent is taken off, and the house is aired out till the Vikane Gas is at safe levels to enter. It is safe to go back inside by the third day. Usually people worry themselves about termite fumigation and think that the gas will stick to furniture and counter tops, but the truth is none of this happens with Sulfuryl Fluoride Gas and it has been proven that after the house has been aired, the little amount of gas that remains is completely safe for human breathing.

The preceding statement is what the Termite Industry would have you believe is the total truth. I have had several clients who have severe allergies who could not go into a Sulfuryl Fluoride Gas fumigated house for over two months because they started having allergy problems as soon as they walked into the house. Most people who have allergies are very sensitive to this gas and must be very careful to avoid it till it totally dissipates in the home. Two months is the longest I have seen in 15 years but I am sure there is the exception.

Is there any way to rid your house of dry-wood termites other than fumigation? There are safer methods of killing Termites than using Sulfuryl Fluoride Gas. The methodology is the same, they tent the house, then they pump heat in instead of Vikane. This is a much safer alternative and you can go into the house the same day they remove the tent over the house. This heat treatment works good, it does have its problems but is safer than Sulfuryl Fluoride Gas which is toxic to people. The good thing is that the cost is about the same.

In conclusion, Termite Fumigation has serious problems for some individuals with Asthma and Allergies. I have personally known several individuals who were allergic to Vikane Gas residuals in homes up to two months after it was fumigated. There are safer alternatives such as Heat Treatments for Termites. The cost is similar in both cases. It is important that you check out all the alternatives before you make up your mind. Talk to the Professionals of both types of treatments and get the right answers for your case. If you feel that you have been affected by Vikane Gas, consult with your Doctor immediately.

If you have any questions, feel free to call us or visit our website.

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Asthma allergy is fairly common and afflicts people of all ages including children. If you have this medical condition, you are probably looking for remedies for allergies or ways to ease your symptoms, which can be frightening at times. Asthma is an inflammation and tightening of the airways and that can make it difficult to breathe.

Most people with asthma allergy usually have extended periods where they are symptom free, interrupted by flare-ups of wheezing. An attack can last for days or just a few hours. Other people must contend with their symptoms of wheezing and shortness of breath on a daily basis.

Identifying the triggers for your asthma allergy is important to preventing an attack. Your doctor may give you allergy tests so you can uncover the culprit. Common triggers include cigarette smoke, pollen, mold, pet dander, dust, foods, chemicals, cold weather, stress, infections, and even exercise.

Once you know what might set off an episode of wheezing, you can take steps to avoid it. For example, if cold weather is a trigger, you can attempt to stay indoors as much as possible during the winter and cover your mouth with a scarf if you do go out. If you are allergic to particular foods, you know to avoid them to prevent wheezing.

Controlling asthma allergies usually isn't as simple as avoiding triggers though. Many times you don't know what causes an attack. Your doctor may also prescribe medication that can help. There are two types of drugs your doctor might give you. One of them is quick acting and intended for use during an asthma attack. The other is long acting and is taken to help prevent an attack from happening.

Generally, people with mild asthma allergy take the quick relief medicines whenever they are needed. People who battle the symptoms of asthma on a constant basis use the longer acting drugs. Sometimes an attack is so severe that you might have to go to the hospital for stronger medications delivered through an IV. You may be given oxygen in the hospital as well so you can breathe easier.

Sometimes, you can have advance warning an attack is on the way, if you regularly use a peak flow meter device. This is a small instrument your doctor can give you to use at home, that measures how fast you can blow air out of your lungs. When the readings drop, it is a sign of inflammation and restriction of the airways even though you might not be having symptoms yet. Taking medication at that time may reverse the attack before it gets too bad.

Asthma allergy can become serious if not properly treated. The symptoms and progression of the condition varies among individuals. Some children seem to grow out of it when they get older while others don't. Although there is no cure, the condition can be successfully managed in most cases. The success of your treatment depends upon your commitment to taking your medications or using appropriate remedies for allergies, as advised and avoiding known triggers.

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Basically there are two categories of asthma conventional medications. The first one prevents asthma symptoms from developing and the second one alleviates them once they have started. Are you looking for a natural way to relieve your symptoms of asthma? Have you recently heard about the amazing health benefits of broccoli sprouts? It would be the best diet to treat inflammation in asthma. Let's see how this vegetable can play this great role?

Broccoli Sprouts and Active Component

A natural active component in broccoli called sulforaphane was discovered in 1992. Since its discovery, a large number of studies have explained its active role in cancer prevention as an indirect antioxidant. Recent studies have demonstrated that sulforaphane activates a few antioxidants enzymes which are able to protect damage cells from inflammation. Sulforaphane would be able to prevent respiratory tract cells from reacting to allergens. The other cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, kale, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts contain also sulforaphane but in lesser quantity.

Broccoli and Asthma

Because broccoli sprouts contain a large amount of sulforaphane compound (250 mg per 100 g of broccoli), people with asthma are encouraged to add this vegetable to their diet in order to prevent airways inflammation. How much broccoli would a patient with asthma have to eat to benefit from its medicinal properties? Scientists don't know yet! More research is necessary. But if someone with asthma eat broccoli regularly, he would be able to breathe easier.

Asthma and Other Natural Remedies

Are there other effective natural remedies to help you or your child to get rid of asthma? Of course, there are! Mary, 40 years old, had her first asthma attack when she was still a child. During all these years, she never would  have thought possible to get rid of the albuterol inhaler so easily! But thanks to a natural and new strategy that usually work within just 1 week, Mary was definitively cured!

Feel free to read Marie' story in the Natural Asthma Cure review!  

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If you have asthma you know that even to breathe is an amazing feat. People take breathing for granted. But if they have asthma, they know how amazing it feels to feel fresh air going deep into their lung.

For most sufferers, daily outdoor activities are a serious no, no. Staying indoor is the best protection from smoke, dust, pollen and other harmful floating particles.

But there's a slight problem with that idea. You see, the air in your home could be worse than outdoor. Well, I didn't say that. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the one making that claim.

That is why many sufferers are now turning to modern technologies to help save their lives. One such technology is called air purifier.

If you're thinking of shopping for one, let's see 4 basic types of air purifier you could find on the shelves of your neighborhood supermarket today.

1. Electrostatic Air Cleaners

Well, at least that's what the makers would call it - air cleaners. If you open one of these machines, you will see a long wire or plates in it. Here's how it works. When air runs through the wire or plate, dirty air gets charged. The charged dust will then cling to the wall or washable filter in the machine.

In theory it's sufficient. But in reality, it only gets rid less than 50% of what's on air. Secondly, that sort of operation could create a type of gas called ozone. While it is good up in the air, you certainly do not want it in your bedroom because it is highly toxic.

2. Ozonizer

They are usually much cheaper and smaller than most hospital-grade air purifiers. Some could be as big as your toaster. The pamphlet attached to the machine and the late night infomercials by sexy sales lady will tell you that ozone kills bacteria, viruses and other harmful particles unseen to your eyes. But it omits one important fact. It could also kill you.

The government via its Environmental Protection Agency has been fighting to take off such machines off the shelves for years. You can go to the site and see for yourself what the agency has to say about these kinds of machines. In short they don't clean the air, they only emit ozone.

3. HEPA Air Cleaner

You might have heard of HEPA air cleaner if you have done some research on air purifier yourself. You see, HEPA is a weird name the US Army give to a special filter they designed and used during the Manhattan Nuclear Project. And like many other industrial products, the military release the technology to the public for wider use.

If you want to get an air purifier, this is the type of air purifier you want to buy. HEPA is highly efficient at trapping unseen particles (imagine it filtering the tip of your hair divided into a hundred parts). It doesn't give out harmful gases, could last a few years and has been proved to work.

Such air purifiers have also been used during the SARS outbreak in Hong Kong, post 9-11 attacks in New York and have also been recognized by the American Lung Associations and The Red Cross. It's that good.

4. HEPA + other technologies

Some newer companies have also use the combination of HEPA filters and electrostatic to try make more efficient and cheaper machines.

Some companies have succeeded but others bite the dust. Because they use electrostatic or ozonizer, you should be wary about ozone coming out of these machines. To be safe, ask if you could turn off the electrostatic or ionizer function. If not, skip such machine and stick with HEPA machines. It is that simple.

So there you are. Those are the 4 types of air purifiers that you could find in the market today. Buying an air purifier is not an easy task. Even buying a HEPA air purifier is not easy - there are thousands of models to choose form. That is why it is also wise to read reviews before buying.

But after reading this article at least you are better in form than 80% of buyers out there. Knowledge is power. Applied knowledge is a sign of wisdom. Good luck!

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Asthma is caused by a number of allergies, stress and possibly exercise, and it is a medical condition that causes one to have difficulty breathing because the passageways are narrowed, therefore making it difficult for air to get to the lungs.

Most asthma sufferers have to be on medication to help manage the disease, but the downfall with the medications is that some of them are costly, and there are always the side effects that they come with. Treating asthma naturally without medication is a better option in the long run, and can offer amazing health benefits.

Here is how can one treat asthma naturally, without medications:

• The first step will be to find out what the person is allergic to. Since some asthma attacks are linked to allergies, knowing what the sufferer is allergic to will help in avoiding those things. If a sufferer avoids what they are allergic to, they are more likely to not suffer attacks, or at least lessen their frequency.

• Asthma sufferers need to stay away from foods that have a high salt or sodium content, and focus instead on foods that contain magnesium. Magnesium in the body reduces the asthma symptoms, not to mention other health benefits.

• Because an asthma attack makes it difficult for the sufferer to breathe, being able to breathe properly will be very beneficial for a sufferer. A sufferer should practice breathing, preferably on a daily basis. This is to ensure that their respiratory system is strong, for when an attack strikes.

• The diet needs to comprise of foods that relieve asthma symptoms. These include foods that are high in omega 3 fatty acids like salmon as well as foods that are high in magnesium. Do not forget to include fruits and vegetables that are packed with vitamins such as vitamin B and C, which help to reduce inflammation.

• Consider doing yoga. Some yoga positions such as camel pose are known to open up the chest, helping the patient with breathing.

Asthma sufferers do not have to go through their whole lives on medication, it is possible to prevent the asthma symptoms naturally and forever.

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The Bowen Technique originated in Australia and is named after its creator Mr. Tom Bowen. Tom Bowen was believed to have trained as an osteopath before inventing the Bowen Technique. Tom Bowen's wife suffered from chronic asthma and was often hospitalised; it was this which led Mr Bowen to develop this part of his therapeutic work, as he searched for some means of helping her. Once he developed the Bowen Technique For Asthma she never had to go to hospital to be treated for this condition again.

How does the Bowen Technique work? The Bowen Technique consists of a series of gentle moves that trigger the body to heal itself. The moves are made on specific parts of the body, such as across muscle on either side of the spine. It is an extremely gentle, simple yet highly effective technique for treating all kinds of conditions and is very successful at treating asthma.

Most of the work can be performed through light clothing, although some therapists prefer to work on skin. Bowen can have very powerful effects on the body and it is extremely important to ensure the body is not bombarded with signals causing confusion and ultimately doing more harm than good. For this reason, the less is more principle is commonly applied when treating clients.

Most patients have positive responses after only one session. Within three sessions even long-standing chronic asthma can be relieved. Some conditions might need to be treated more often, but in either case it is recommended clients return for regular treatments every six to eight weeks to maintain optimum health.

Asthma attacks are usually caused by the breathing muscles and diaphragm going into increasing spasm. The triggers for such an attack range from pollen to respiratory illnesses. As soon as a trigger is detected, the spasm increases. Hence, one of the first signs of the increasing problem can be wheezing, sometimes there all the time.

In an acute asthmatic attack, the patient can breathe in but is unable to breathe out as the diaphragm is in full spasm. This can be illustrated by the fact that the stomach appears to collapse inwards especially in small children and babies. The Bowen Release Move, part of the Bowen Technique for asthma is a highly effective, downwards movement that releases the diaphragm from spasm and an immediate release of air from the lungs is achieved. This move is so simple an easy it is even used by toddlers to relive tightness in their chest.

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* The first thing not to do is deny you have asthma. Saying "Oh it's just a common cold and I'm wheezing a bit. Maybe it's bronchitis?" When a doctor has just confirmed you have the chronic disease of asthma. Being obstructive is a course of action that will likely set your health back dreadfully. Accept the prescribed medications offered.

* Remember to take the medications and do not refuse to take them. Not at first anyway. You need to get acute asthma under control before it controls you. Do not deliberately deviate from the therapy guidelines.

* You may be given an asthma treatment program. Usually corticosteroid inhalers to begin with and possibly some breathing exercises to assist the airways. Not taking your asthma medication to this prescribed schedule can lead to the symptoms becoming erratic. This can be inconvenient at best and possibly fatal at worst. Not using your prevention inhaler regularly as prescribed can add to the possibility of an untimely asthma attack.

* I have read that a peak flow meter is an essential part of your asthma tool kit. Do not believe it. You need the correct oxygen to carbon dioxide balance in your system. Part of the asthma problem is a lack of carbon dioxide in the lungs. Giving a big blow into a peak flow meter will deplete even further the amount of carbon dioxide that is left. Thus exacerbating the problem rather than helping to cure it. One blow into a peak flow meter will take around thirty minutes of careful controlled breathing to recover from.

* Not eating certain foods might be an advantage. It is known that dairy foods, white flour and white sugar help to produce the mucus you do not want. While I am not advocating you become obsessive in avoiding these type of food at all cost, do not eat them to excess. It would be difficult to totally avoid that combination anyway as they are used in so many processed foodstuffs.

* Do not smoke. If your lungs are at risk from asthma then it should be pretty obvious not to add to the aggravation with all the cocktail of toxins that is in cigarette smoke. Even if you do not smoke, make sure you are not in close proximity to others that are smoking. People have been known to have asthma attacks from secondhand smoke from others.

* Sudden changes in temperature can definitely set off some adverse asthma symptoms. It is one of those famous asthma triggers. So do not go straight outside into cold weather without taking care to ensure you are properly wrapped up suitably against such conditions. Make sure you have your rescue inhaler when going out as well.

* Having said all the above, the one thing I did not do was to believe all the doctors told me. While you should use the prescribed medications and plan of treatments offered there are some side effects to these medications. Tell your doctor when you notice those side effects. You could research to see if there are safer effective alternative asthma treatments available.

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Say you're asthmatic and have been for years. That should make you an expert on asthma inhalers, right?

Not likely. In decades of experience as a family physician I have found that patients tend to forget the specifics of inhaler use, especially once they're feeling better.

Or say you're new to inhalers. Your doctor probably explained their use and purpose, but by the time you got home you weren't certain which medicine was for what purpose.

Inhalers are divided into two classes: 'rescue inhalers' and 'controller inhalers'. Here is the essence of what you should know about the first and most common type, the so-called 'rescue inhalers.'

Rescue inhalers are intended for immediate relief, or 'rescue' from a serious or bothersome asthma problem. Symptoms of asthma include shortness of breath, wheezing, tightness in the chest, and cough. Rescue inhalers should provide relief within a few to several minutes. Nearly every asthmatic should have a rescue inhaler available for emergency or urgent use.

The most common rescue inhaler is albuterol (Proventil, Ventolin, Proair). Of these, Ventolin is the only one with a dose counter, making it much easier to know how much medication remains in the canister. The most common dosage is 2 inhalations (separated by at least a breath or two), at least a few hours apart. I generally prescribe them every 4 to 6 hours as needed, although in a bad case of asthma they may be needed more frequently.

Also generally speaking, the intention is that the rescue inhaler won't be needed more than a few times a week, unless a patient is experiencing an acute attack due to a respiratory infection, allergy, or other transient situation. Patients who required a rescue inhaler more often than this should also be on a controller inhaler. One exception to this may be exercise-induced asthma. Athletes who only need a rescue inhaler prior to exercise should discuss the possibility of adding a controller drug with their doctor. It may or may not be advisable.

Ipratropium bromide (Atrovent) is another rescue inhaler, often used with asthma, but more frequently with COPD (chronic obstructive lung disease, generally due to tobacco use). It is somewhat more effective in older patients than younger patients. A therapeutic trial may help you decide whether this drug is beneficial for you.

Combivent is a rescue inhaler that contains both albuterol and iptratropium. Anyone needing this inhaler should probably be on a controller drug as well.

Maxair (pirbuterol) is less commonly used, especially now that albuterol comes in generic form at low cost. The beauty of Maxair is the delivery system in the form of the Maxair Autohaler, which delivers the medication automatically when the patient inhales through the mouthpiece.

Dosing any of these medications more frequently than prescribed may lead to side effects of a tremor, jitteriness, wakefulness, insomnia, anxiety, palpitations, or nervousness. The drugs resemble adrenalin - the hormone which courses through your body when someone jumps out and surprises you. Some patients experience these side effects even at low dosages. A higher dose probably will not help you breathe any better, but is more likely to induce side-effects.

Both albuterol and ipratropium come in an inexpensive nebulizer form as well, but patients requiring a nebulizer should generally be on a controller medication.

The primary danger of the rescue inhalers lies in not using them when they are needed, or in using them too much, and thereby avoiding seeking needed medical care.

All of these rescue inhalers are effective for asthmatic patients, although individuals may find that one product works significantly better than another. The expected effect is relief from wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, and chest tightness. They will not help head cold symptoms. If you use your rescue inhaler and are still having trouble breathing, you should seek medical attention promptly - call 911 if needed.

Copyright 2010 Cynthia J. Koelker, M.D.

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