目前分類:what is asthma (590)

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Certainly herbal cures for asthma have long been around and are highly thought of by those who treat people using alternative and natural ways. In this article I will be taking a closer look at certain asthma herbal cures which are effective for curing asthma and which have been tried and tested for decades now.


This is meant to be an excellent herbal treatment for asthma and a person should mix some with boiled milk and then drink it when they feel the first signs of asthma attack starting. This kind of treatment provides an effective way of relieving any of the symptoms associated with an asthma attack.


Considered to be extremely valuable for treating asthma. It is most effective if you mix a teaspoon of turmeric with a glass of milk and drink it twice a day.

Mustard Oil

This particular herbal cure for treating asthma is not drunk, but rather it is used as a massage oil. The best way to use this is to mix it with some camphor which you then rub of the chest of the sufferer. This particular herb works by easing a person's breathing as it helps to loosen up the phlegm which has built up in the chest.


What you need to do is make some ginger tea which you could buy in any convenience store or supermarket and then you add some crushed garlic and drink it twice a day. Not only it is effective in helping to relief the symptoms associated with the condition, but also helps to keep them under control.

However what is extremely important to remember when you choose to use any type of herbal cures for asthma is to discuss the matter with your doctor first.

Although the ones above are effective you should never actually stop taking the medications that your doctor or health provider has prescribed without getting their permission first.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Have you ever watched a child's chest heave as he struggles to breathe because he has asthma? Have you ever experienced the feeling of lethargy that overwhelms all of the muscles in your upper body after an asthmatic episode? If you have, then you might also know that the steroidal medicines that doctors prescribe usually do not completely alleviate the problem. This is because prescriptions for asthma do not attack the root of the problem - which is the body's over-reaction to a substance that isn't actually lethal. There is a holistic cure for asthma and allergies that provides much more hope for asthmatic sufferers.

Asthma and allergy sufferers are in good company in the United States. More than 23 million children and adults living in this country suffer from chronic and debilitating allergies and asthma. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology now agrees with an idea that holistic moms have used for years to keep their families healthy: The limitation of children's exposure to, literally, everything that is dirty is making people sicker than ever before.

People who live a holistic lifestyle go against the trend of immunizing and disinfecting their entire body. Holistic moms believe that both they, and their children, benefit from spending time outside where it is dirty and from eating raw foods. The use of a holistic cure for these ailments enhances a person's body's ability to fight back against respiratory problems.

A holistic way to prevent asthma and allergies is through exposure to dirt and the outdoors. There are germs, yes microorganisms, that live in the dirt. Playing or gardening in the dirt exposes your body to these potential allergens and will cause your body to develop defense systems against more harmful germs in the future. This is an inexpensive, holistic preventative cure.

A natural preventative measure against the development of allergies lies in the consumption of raw local honey that is filled with local "contaminants" such as pollen. Local honey is a natural cure that will tease your immune system with a taste of the potential allergens present in the area where you live. Exposure to this flora will allow your body to build up an immune defense to the pollen, prior to the onslaught that occurs in spring when the flowers begin to bloom.

A holistic preventative cure for asthma and allergies can be found by stopping the use of antibacterial soap in the home. No one, except those who are immunocompromised, needs to have their exposure to every single germ mitigated. Think of it this way: If a person's body ca not handle the small amount of germs present on the hands of a family member after they've washed their hands; how will that person's body react to a germ from a stranger outside of their home? Good hand hygiene, with regular soap and water is a holistic cure to germs removal. When done correctly, hand washing removes most germs from the skin. Antibacterial soap is over-kill, literally. The use of antibacterial soap causes a person's body to over-react to new germs, leading to asthma and allergy symptoms.

The medical community has finally come to agree that people are using antibacterial soaps and antibiotics far too frequently, limiting their exposure to non-lethal allergens. Unfortunately, the medical community hasn't proposed an alternative natural cure or therapy for allergies and asthma. Holistic moms effectively use holistic cures to alleviate or eliminate their own and their families allergies and asthma.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

In the USA, millions of people are allergic to a variety of substances, and they are looking for effective allergy relief. Dust, pollen, pet dander, food and tiny invisible particles that simply float into your home from large industries are harmful. Allergies cause day-to-day misery for millions, and has a major impact on society in general.

The most important allergy facts and stats are laid out below, which are supported by the best and latest available data, some from the AAAAI.org - American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. This information is taken from those residing in the U.S. only.

1- A huge 20% of the entire population in the U.S. suffer from at least one type of allergic reaction. This number includes those who suffer from asthma. Many experts from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America estimate that one fifth of the population is a low approximate.

2- Over half of the American population test positive to one or more allergens, although many did not realise they had a problem with allergies. Many of those did report minor problems such as coughing, watery eyes and a general feeling of ill-health.

3- Taking into account other major chronic diseases that people suffer from in the U.S. The U.S.A. comes 5th in this rank for allergies. Those suffering from allergies have risen sharply in the last few decades. Some say this is directly linked to industrial growth.

4- The U.S. government spend a massive amount of money tackling the problems of allergy sufferers. The American health care system and businesses pick up the tab for this everyday problem, and cough up nearly $8 Billion every year. This amount rises steadily annually.

5- Most businesses dislike workers taking more days off than they really need too. Employed Americans take between 3.9 and 4.2 million days off work every year because of the horrid symptoms of hay fever, runny nose and streaming eyes. Classic allergy signs.

6- Whether you agree with the effects of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and warming of our planet or not, does not alter the fact that pollen seasons over the last two decades in the U.S. have mysteriously lengthened by nearly one month - 30 days.

7- One third of children with one parent who suffers from allergies, will go on to develop some form of allergic complaint or asthma. I have not seen any evidence or statistics of hereditary illness among allergy sufferers, but this fact surely indicates that more research is required, especially when you consider the fact that the chances of a child with both allergic parents will develop allergies is even greater at 70%.

8- Food allergies are also at an all time high, and this is non seasonal. 29,000 ambulance/ER calls are registered by operators directly from those suffering from the symptoms of food allergies in kitchens, homes and restaurants all over the U.S.

9- Children diagnosed with a food allergy are nearly 5 times more likely to have allergy symptoms similar to asthma and other various types of allergies. Food allergies in the US. directly impact around 7% of children under the age of three years.

10- Surprisingly, over 14% of Americans firmly believe they have a food allergy problem, but the actual amount of U.S. citizens who are diagnosed with this illness from their doctor is much less, 2% - 5%.

11- This is public enemy number 1. Yes it's our old friend - 'poor indoor air quality', the biggest problem facing every household, whether you know about it, deny it, or simply ignore it. Over 85% of our time involves indoor activity, and most of the population are unaware that they are breathing in stale or unhealthy air every day in their own home. Effective allergy relief for sufferers should always start at home.

12- Indoor air pollution outweighs levels of outdoor pollution by 50 to 1 in many cases. It's quite startling to think that if you are standing in a street with heavy traffic and high car exhaust levels, that your own home air quality is worse than this. In many cases this is true, due to factors such as poor construction methods, dampness, high dust levels, mould, wrong insulation or poor ventilation.

13- One of the best ways to improve your indoor air quality is to invest in a HEPA vacuum cleaner to trap those tiny particles that cause allergy symptoms. Recent tests have proven that many vacuum cleaners emit a certain amount of dust and microbes back into your home while vacuuming, which defeats the whole purpose. If you do suffer from asthma/allergies, you must do a little homework enabling you to select a quality and effective HEPA vacuum cleaner that is completely sealed, and does not throw back dangerous pollutants back into your room.

14- Pets are great to have around the house, and are our best friends. Over 40% of US residents own one or more dogs, and roughly the same percentage have one or more cats. Every home with pets have noticeable amounts of dander, which inevitably leads to allergy symptoms in humans. This means that cleaning up after our pets is important, and has to be done on a regular basis to keep high air quality.

15- Nearly 8% of U.S. citizens have been diagnosed with asthma related illness. More worrying is the high number of children under the age of 5 with asthma. Kids under 5 in the U.S. with asthma, between the early 80's and mid 90's has risen by a huge 170%. These figures are likely to be related to growing poverty, poor housing and high levels of industry pollution emissions.

16- Recent figures suggest that nearly 2 million ER call outs occur every year to those with asthma related problems, and these figures show no sign of slowing down. Furthermore, the percentage of those admitted to hospital for asthma/allergy problems who are young children is estimated at approaching the 50% mark.

17- Sadly, just under 5000 deaths are recorded every year in the U.S. who died directly from asthma alone, but even more alarming is the sheer volume of people who have severe allergy symptoms, such as streaming eyes, bad congestion, sneezing, running nose and coughing - who have 'Non-Allergic Rhinitis' instead is around a third of the entire population. Diagnosed allergic rhinitis affects around 25% of adults, and as many as 35% of children who live in the U.S.

The allergy statistics on this page are somewhat disturbing, especially when we see that children suffer a high proportion of allergy and asthma related illnesses. Thankfully there are several ways we can reduce allergy symptoms at home by cleaning our home the correct way to improve indoor air quality. As we spend most of our time at home, it is the most logical place to start reducing allergens and pollutants so we can enjoy a clean and hygienic home atmosphere.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Compared to adults, babies are difficult to diagnose when they are sick because they cannot tell you what hurts and how often. For sure, you will need the help of a doctor to identify the disease that is affecting your baby. First, the doctor will ask for your family's medical history. Next, tests will be administered to rule out other possible illnesses that can affect your baby.

Asthma symptoms like coughing and wheezing can also be symptoms of other diseases. This is why it is vital to rule out other illnesses before an asthma diagnosis is established. To establish the correct diagnosis, your doctor will ask if you have observed any pattern in the symptoms. Does the baby experience these symptoms later at night or all throughout the day? Is there something that the baby did before the symptoms occurred?

These patterns are very important because these will support an asthma diagnosis. Remember that asthma symptoms are caused by exposure to certain triggers that affect your baby. The triggers can be dust mites, animal dander, pollen, cockroach, smoke, cigarette smoke, exercise, and others. If you have identified the triggers, you will know how to better prevent an asthma attack from happening again.

Once a diagnosis is established, asthma remedies for babies will be given. There are generally two types of asthma remedies for babies: relievers and controllers.

If your baby is experiencing an asthma attack, quick relievers are prescribed as rescue medication to stop the asthma attack at once. Quick relievers are good asthma remedies for babies because these act fast in stopping spasm in the air passages. Albuterol is a popular quick reliever which is administered through a nebulizer or metered-dose inhaler.

A nebulizer turns medicine that is in liquid form into a mist. This is a battery-powered or electric machine. Once the quick reliever is in mist form, this will be easier for your baby to breathe in. A mask is attached to the nebulizer to aid in inhaling the mist. Treatment with a nebulizer takes around ten minutes. Many doctors prescribe nebulizers as asthma remedies for babies.

A metered-dose inhaler is a little aerosol can which is inserted into a holding chamber or spacer. A small mask is attached to the holding chamber or spacer. Once the inhaler is pumped, the anti-asthma medication is sprayed into the spacer which makes it easier for your baby to inhale. Many doctors prefer inhalers because drug is delivered into your baby's air passages in as short as one minute. Inhalers are also popular asthma remedies for babies. On the other hand, for prevention of asthma attacks, controllers are prescribed as asthma remedies for babies. These are steroids which act by reducing inflammation. Steroids are also delivered through a nebulizer or metered-dose inhaler.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Although there are several known triggers of asthma, there is only one true cause. The cause is rarely discussed by the mainstream medical community. It was discovered by the leading respiratory doctors over the last century but for some reason the information behind this discovery is not being passed onto asthma sufferers.

The health systems across the world are not too concerned with alternative or home remedies for asthma or for any other affliction for that matter. They are complex systems with many social, economical and political implications. It's big business! Governments and corporations do not make money from alternative or natural therapies.

It is now accepted amongst the leading respiratory doctors across the world that asthma is merely an imbalance of the respiratory system and not an incurable disease. Many people, especially children do outgrow or become cured of their asthma without realising how they did it. I can explain it!

Asthma is your body's defence mechanism against involuntary hyperventilation. Once you understand why your body is manifesting asthma or asthmatic symptoms to be more precise, you will be able to prevent and reverse asthmatic symptoms.

An asthma attack is a state which can present itself as various symptoms including: wheezing, breathlessness, coughing, tightness in chest, blocked or runny nose and excessive mucus production.

There are many known triggers of an asthma attack which include, exercise, sleep, extreme weather conditions, laughing, dust, pets, allergens, pollution, smoking or drugs. However, they are simple that, TRIGGERS. They cannot possibly be the cause of asthma, otherwise they would trigger asthma in everybody, right?

Relieving or rescue asthma drugs are solely designed to mask the symptoms of asthma. They will open up your inflamed airways very quickly and provide you instant relief. By doing this, they are actually working against your body's natural defence mechanism. Whilst they do provide you relief in the moment, they have various side effects and will only make your asthma worst in the long run by creating dependency on rescue drugs to re-open airways, which is something your body is very capable of doing itself.

Preventative drugs are designed to compensate your adrenal glands inability to produce adequate amounts of cortisol. They contain a synthetic version of the natural hormone cortisol called cortisone or corticosteroids. Once again these synthetic drugs have various side effects and with long-term use can affect your body's ability to manufacture cortisol effectively making your asthma worst.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Living with a chronic illness such as asthma can be difficult and challenging. Making it one's strength and not weakness lies in one's own hands. Some healthy lifestyle changes can help coping with asthma easier. Identifying what triggers an episode of asthma in an individual and preventing such triggering factors could keep the disease well in control.

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic lung disease characterized by the inflammation and narrowing of the airways that is manifested by sudden episodes of breathlessness, incessant coughing and wheezing. Various kinds of triggering factors could be responsible for an episode of asthma such as:-

v Genetic cause

v Respiratory tract infections (bacterial/viral)

v Family history of asthma

v Exposure to air-borne allergens such as pollens, dust, insects & mites, pet fur and irritants such as tobacco smoke

v Other factors like breast feeding and fat consumption could also be responsible

v Stress, anxiety and exercise could be triggering factors

An interesting theory proposed towards the epidemiological factors related to asthma is the "hygiene hypothesis". This states that naturally occurring microbial exposures in early life may have prompted early immune maturation and prevented allergic diseases and asthma from developing. Subsequently, children raised in modern metropolitan life styles, relatively devoid of this natural microbial burden, may have under-stimulated immune systems in infancy, thereby allowing for the 'allergic march'- a pattern of pro-allergic immune development and disorders that occurs in early life. This has been proposed to be the cause of increasing trends of asthma in modern cosmopolitan environment and lifestyle.

What Lifestyle changes can be of help?

The new proposed causes and epidemiological factors have opened up new avenues of thought towards the prevention of asthma.

v Identifying possible allergens and avoiding them is the best way to keep a check on asthma. Pollens, molds, dust mites and pet dander should be avoided. The major cat allergen Fel d 1 has been seen to be carried by small-dimension particles (< 5 micron diameter) that readily become airborne and persist unmodified for a long time. Often contaminated clothes have been seen to be potent carriers of this allergen. Thus washing of contaminated clothes could be a simple and effective way to control asthma due to cat dander.

v Cockroach allergens constitute another important cause of environment-related respiratory allergy and may trigger asthma exacerbations in sensitized individuals. In the prevention of cockroach allergy, the use of chemical agents associated with an intensive vacuum cleaning of indoor environments is an important tool in removing cockroach material containing allergenic proteins.

v A proper temperature maintenance and good ventilated indoors can be of help to asthma sufferers. Usually a temp of 68-72 deg F is suggested.

v Recent studies have shown that dietary sodium could be a constituent which may be implicated in this phenomenon behind asthma. Adoption of a low sodium diet for a period of 2-5 weeks have shown improvements in lung function and decreased bronchial reactivity in adults with asthma, while sodium loading appeared to have a detrimental effect.

v Avoiding smoking- both active as well as passive could be helpful

v Wearing a mask while outside can help prevent exposure to dust and smoke.

v A mold inhibitor could be added to paint used on walls especially in washrooms which are more prone to dampness

v Knowledge of correct administration of medications like inhalers contributes to asthma prevention. One must visit his doctor regularly for check-ups.

v Correctly planned physical activity can improve both physical as well as emotional health in asthma patients

v Talking to family members and people with the same illness could be mentally relaxing

v Other mental relaxation techniques like meditation can be of help to cut down the stress and anxiety behind asthma.

A chronic illness like asthma can never be cured. Its "prevention" is its only "cure". Living with an illness could be disappointing and frustrating. Some healthy changes in lifestyle could be a boon in all regards. Do not let asthma win over you.....with small differences in the way you live....you can be a winner too!

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What is asthma? It is a chronic disorder of the lungs and affects a person through difficulty in breathing, coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing, feeling a tight or heavy chest and unable to cope with demanding physical activities.

Although asthma may develop at any stage it generally starts early in life. Symptoms vary amongst different people and can actually change in a specific person over a period of time. For example, a youngster who might suffer from moderate or severe reactions to asthma could find that in adulthood the reactions change and occur during allergy season only or develop as upper respiratory illnesses.

Asthma treatment varies from individual to individual and is specific to the needs of each person. Because of the individual nature of this disease diagnosis and treatment becomes challenging - in the past doctors were of the opinion that Asthma was purely an emotional reaction which was precipitated by certain psychological triggers and that patients could control the condition.

Hippocrates, a Greek physician during 460 - 357 BC, discovered asthma. He is acknowledged as the "father of medicine" and was the first physician to describe asthma spasms. Galen, a Greco-Roman doctor of the period 201-130 BC, identified asthma symptoms and established that asthma was caused by bronchial obstructions (his treatment for the condition was owl's wine).

It is interesting to note that both Hippocrates and Galen described asthma correctly prior to the birth of Christ while modern day physicians (who considered themselves superior and more advanced) believed right up to the 1980's that asthma was purely a psychological condition.

The name asthma is derived from ancient Greek meaning gasping or panting. Ancient Chinese asthma treatment was ephedrine, notably used thousands of years prior to Western doctors adopting it as a method of treatment.

Science is continually exploring new methods to treat this debilitating illness and recently researchers found genes that can be linked directly to asthma - they think that the discovery of a number of gene markers will revolutionize treatment methods as it will be based on individual and specific genetic markers.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Having asthma must be one of the most frightening conditions, as very often there is little warning when an attack is imminent and dust, stress, air pollution and cigarette smoke are just a few of the known triggers for the condition, which can affect the young and old alike.

There are many activities which become a strain and daunting to take on, and many sporting activities can become impossible to undertake because of the possibility of an attack. There are also restrictions towards certain job situations and in all the condition can make one's life restricted and unbearable.

People who have asthma tend to live a suffocating and restrictive life especially if the attacks occur frequently. There are different causes of asthma symptoms or attacks. Some asthma symptoms are induced by exercise, dust, stress, cigarette smoke, pollen, pollution, and there are many other triggers. These are all external factors which aggravate the condition of the asthma patient. It doesn't really matter if you"re young or old because asthma can definitely debilitate you when you"re having frequent and severe attacks.

If you suffer from asthma you will know how difficult it is in remaining calm during an attack when you are struggling to breath and your airways are restricting the oxygen flow and carrying an inhaler at all times adds an extra burden.

You will need to be aware of what triggers your attacks to make it easier to avoid them, but this still limits your ability to enjoy a full and active life.

Modern hypnotherapy techniques have a proved to be of comfort to asthma sufferers by helping them to remain calm when an attack is triggered. using hypnosis asthma can become a condition that can be controlled.

By recognising when an attack is forthcoming, following an asthma trigger, the hypnotic suggestions will have implanted the thought of remaining calm and visualizing your air passage as being wide and relaxed. This combined with being able to remain calmer during the attack will make the whole experience less traumatic and eventually attacks can be reduced or even completely removed by using this method.

Hypnosis is used quite extensively to help remain calm generally and in the case of asthma this is very important and makes life much easier.

The great thing about hypnosis is the ease with which it helps bring about a change in behaviour and response patterns.Simply concentrating on the hypnosis script will take you into a relaxed state which allows the suggestions to be absorbed by your subconscious, either through a hypnotherapist or, using autohypnosis, where the recorded script takes you into a similar relaxed and receptive state. This proven relaxing influence makes hypnosis very successful in conditions such as asthma which are similar in nature to panic attacks.

Using hypnosis to cure asthma has become increasingly popular in recent times as more people accept hypnotherapy as an accepted treatment for stress-related conditions. Many studies have shown that the treatment of conditions such as asthma can be effectively controlled using hypnotherapy and self hypnosis asthma treatment and this can easily apply to you if you are a sufferer. If you are willing to try an alternative method which can remove the condition, you may find yourself throwing away the inhaler and gaining the long lost freedom you thought you would never have the joy to experience.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Though cough has symptoms similar to that in asthma, in the cough variant of asthma, the cough may be the sole cause for the asthmatic symptoms. When only cough is the asthmatic symptom, the variant of asthma is known as the cough variant of asthma.

So, what is this Cough Variant of Asthma?

A major symptom of cough variant asthma is long-term presence of non-productive mucus, i.e, cough. The people suffering from this disease have the presence of cough as the major or the only symptom of asthma. Though, these people only constitute a small number of the people suffering from asthma, it is a distinct group being called as 'coughing asthmatics'.

The patients suffering from disease have some difference compared to the people suffering from regular asthma. Like the people suffering from normal asthma, they do not differ much from the volunteers present in their cough reflex who are healthy, as the patients suffering from cough variant asthma have reflex of cough which is more sensitive. Surprisingly, these patients have a reaction to the testing of methacholine challenge that is smaller than the one possessed by the regular asthmatics.

Now the question is, How is this Cough Variant of Asthma Diagnosed?

As cough is a usual and common symptom of asthma, your provider might order spirometry to diagnose you. If a reversible obstruction is demonstrated by the spirometry, a therapeutic procedure might be started by your provider. But, asthmatics may get a normal lung examination and a 'diagnostic trouble' might get created by spirometry, and your doctor might suspect you to be suffering from asthma, but might be unable to prove it.

In such type of cases, a methacholine challenge testing might be preformed by your provider to demonstrate bronchial hyperresponsieness and diagnose you for asthma. If hyperresponsiveness is not produced, the chances of asthma being the cause of cough is unlikely.A complete and determinable diagnosis can be done if cough-like symptoms develop after treatment of asthma.

So then, how can this be treated?

Treatment of cough variant asthma is pretty similar to that of regular asthma. Minor improvements of cough might be observed in as quick as 6 to 8 days with the use of bronchodilators,for example, Abuterol. But the completely treatment might take as long as 8 weeks after using an inhaled steriod, for example, Flovent.

If the presence of cough doesn't get fully resolved, your provider might utilise more potential steroids, like oral prednisone. Or your provider might also conduct tests that are special to identify the presence eosinophils, which is a marker of inflmmation in your lungs. If the presence of eosinophils in your lungs is determined, Zafirlukast might be used as it has proven to be beneficial for Cough Variant Asthmatic patients.

Some patients might experience worseing of cough after using inhaled steroids as aerosols might be present in the inhaling device. Also, it is important to determine that some other disease like GERD is not be the cause of symptoms if the cough worsens.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

One of the main reasons why asthma continues to be one of the top ailments that affects millions of people worldwide is the fact that anyone can possibly develop it at any point in time. Unlike other illnesses, asthma can manifest in a person even in their adulthood for a good couple of reasons.

Asthma symptoms in adults

This is why if you suspect of having asthma, even when you're already in your twenties, chances are you do have it. But before you get into a full panic mode, check yourself first for some signs of asthma symptoms in adults which are the following:

1. Shortness of breath.
2. Wheezing.
3. Coughing.
4. Sweating profusely.
5. Chest tightening and pain.
6. Rapid heart rate.

More adult asthma information

Asthma in adults, also known as adult-onset asthma, usually occurs in individuals in their 20's. Family history, among many other reasons can easily cause the development of this ailment, even though you've never really had an attack in your childhood.

Aside from your genes, another reason for the manifestation of asthma symptoms in adults is allergies. If you or your loved one with suspected adult-onset asthma is allergic to pet dander or pollens, then, there's a large chance that their allergies could escalate to asthma.

Obesity can also be another reason for developing the illness at a later stage. As being overweight can easily disrupt the proper functioning of the body, developing obesity in adulthood can really be the trigger for this type of asthma.

Now, once you notice any of these asthma symptoms in adults, you must seek medical help right away. A diagnosis can help you determine which type of adult-onset asthma it is that you have, so treatment can be properly applied to your condition. Depending on your asthma symptoms in adults, your case may be determined as mid intermittent, mild persistent, moderate persistent, or sever persistent asthma.

Asthma treatment

As soon as you get diagnosed of adult-onset asthma, treatment should be the number one priority for you to get. Some of the possible treatments you can get, depending, of course, on your diagnosis are the following:

1. Asthma action plan. Contrary to the popular belief, an action plan is now also being used as a treatment method even for asthma symptoms in adults. A plan like this will help you and your doctor better monitor your condition and apply the proper medications and treatments so you can better manage and control your asthma. And as the adult-onset asthma's number one characteristic is permanence, you should really take measures to better deal with it.

2. Have a healthier lifestyle. Living normally can be quite difficult for most individuals with asthma symptoms in adults, but it can be possibly achieved through living a healthy lifestyle. So, get involved in sports or just make time to exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet to help your body better cope with asthma.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Don't get rid of your corticosteroid inhaler. It may be the only thing to work with a severe attack, but natural healthcare does offer an asthma attack remedy which can reduce the severity and decrease or totally get rid of the dependence upon medicine like corticosteroids and bronchodilators. It is possible that the use of an inhaler will become less and less.

Inhalers have side effects which are unpleasant,t such as headaches, throat irritation, frequent infections, tremors, or heart palpitations. Use of inhalers over a long period of time can reduce the body's ability to absorb calcium effectively and cause osteoporosis because the needed calcium is being taken from the bones.

Natural healthcare can provide significant benefits to respiratory functioning and an asthma attack remedy when used along with a broader lifestyle management changes, such as recognizing and avoiding triggers such as dust and pollen and a redo of the diet incorporating the following:

  • Eat at least four different-colored fruits, veggies, and beans daily to get a full spectrum of antioxidants.

  • Cut out dairy and soy products, and replace with milk and cheese made from rice

  • Eat more salmon and oily fish but less meat.

  • Each day, supplement with 4,000 mg fish oil, 1,000 mg calcium, 1,000 mg quercetin, 600 mg magnesium, 300 mg grape-seed extract, and 200 mg pycnogenol.

  • Coffee has been shown to work as a potent bronchodilator. Drink a cup or two of strong, unsweetened black coffee when you feel an attack coming on

While most of us take easy breathing for granted, those who struggle to breathe come to realize the value of a healthy respiratory system and a strong immune system. The strength and capacity of the lungs becomes all important.

Keeping the immune system in top form is essential for good health period. In addition, for those who tend to have chest and breathing problems, it is important to support the strength and capacity of the lungs by means of regular exercise and by avoiding any known allergens.

What are tissue salts and how can they be helpful as an asthma attack remedy? There are twelve tissue salts in the human body which help to keep it in a natural healthy state, able to heal itself by correcting imbalances at the cell level. When theses salts are in the correct concentration we are healthy, but when an imbalance occurs normal cell function is disturbed and illness results.

Specially prepared doses of biochemic tissue salts can provide a natural asthma attack remedy. These three biochemic, cell supporting tissue salts combined together can provide such a remedy:

  • Kali phos (6X) is often called 'nature's pacifier'. It has a relaxing effect on the nerves and throughout the body and helps to support healthy breathing.

  • Mag phos (6X) has a variety of uses, amongst these is the ability to prevent spasms and tightness in the chest

  • Nat sulph (6X) is classically used as a natural bronchial tonic and helps to soothe the respiratory tract

This homeopathic formula of tissue salts may be taken internally at the first signs of wheezing, chest constriction, closed airways or abnormal breathing for effective help as an asthma attack remedy. It supports lung and bronchiole functioning, maintains the respiratory tract and immune system health and doesn't have the side effects of corticosteroids and bronchodilators.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

An Aloe Vera treatment can be considered for asthma patients in some cases to ease the symptoms but always make sure you talk to your doctor about it before trying it.

Asthma is the body's attempt to fight off an irritant and does this by wheezing, producing excessive mucous and coughing.? One in four people have asthma to one degree or the other.? Allergies, emotions and even stress can bring on asthmatic symptoms.? Medications prescribed for an attack include Albuterol as well as a natural means, aloe vera.

An asthmatic attack is indeed scary.? The inability to breathe normally sets people into a panic mode and they will do anything to avoid an attack.? Many do indeed go to the emergency room for medical monitoring until the negative symptoms subside.? Learning to avoid stress, dust or allergens is an impossible feat since you are surrounded by them on a daily basis.

Minimizing these stressors is all that really can be done and even then not very effectively.? Despite medications there are some children who do outgrow the symptoms of asthma.

Asthma is not curable and if a natural method of lessening symptoms were to be found, no doubt many asthma sufferers would choose this course of treatment.? In a 2005 study, 57% of asthmatics found relief from a combination of conventional and natural treatments than just by using prescription medications.? The aloe treatment was one of the natural treatments used and studies since 1951 have proved how useful aloe is when treating asthma.

Natural steroids and other compounds
are found in an aloe vera treatment

These properties inhibit inflammation and some studies go so far as to say that removal of particles that cause an asthma attack was credited to the use of aloe vera.? A word of warning.? If an active asthma attack is experienced, you should not depend on aloe vera as a means to subdue the negative symptoms as these symptoms can be overwhelming, not only for the sufferers but for people who care about them.? An aloe treatment should be used as a preventative measure.

An inhaler should always be handy for active asthmatic attacks but in between these breaks, a soothing natural aloe vera treatment can be considered.

Being diagnosed with asthma is no picnic in the park.? True, some children do outgrow asthma, but the majority are the ones who will have to remember to take their inhaler everywhere they go.? If an attack comes on, it is imperative this inhaler be available.? But in the meantime, between those attacks, an aloe vera treatment can provide healing qualities that may help lessen the severity of the attacks.

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Asthma is also influenced by certain emotions such as laughing, crying, anger, panic, etc. But many in the medical community believe there is no proof people with asthma are any more psychologically disturbed than their non-asthmatic peers. However, it is not possible to have an illness without it having an emotional or trauma component associated with it. Our brain and body is not a split organism where our brain and body work independently of each other.

Having asthma is most likely related to birth traumas where the newborn is being suffocated by the birth process or has a difficulty coming out thus weakening the lungs and the bronchioles. Or, possibly where the parents were over protective or dominating, or demanding to the point of, in a sense, suffocating the child.

And, there are many other asthmatic scenarios that could weaken a persons lungs and bronchioles during childhood. You might know what yours is.

In his book, How to Get Well, 1974, Paavo Airola, Ph.D., says, "Extensive studies show that there are two basic causes of asthma: one, the typical allergic reaction to one or more allergens; two, psychic factors. Doctors agree that many young asthmatics (according to studies, about 25%) have in common a 'deep-seated emotional insecurity and an intense need for parental love and protection'. When emotional causes are suspected, these must be dealt with before biological and nutritional treatments can be effective."

Emotions and feelings, such as apprehension, concern, anxiety, and panic can cause muscular tension and contraction around the bronchioles. Over a long time, these tensions can cause muscle spasms and weakening of the bronchioles, which can then lead to asthma as an adult.

In his book, Cleanse & Purify Thyself, 1998, Richard Anderson, N.D., N.M.D., says,
"Our own research indicates that Love is the great key. When we understand that Love is the natural state of our beings and when Love is not flowing through our beings every moment, than some other emotion or concept is interfering. These interferences are usually emotions of great intensity or some quirk in our point of view, such as the habit of judging conditions, things, or people in negative ways, and most of the time they are unconscious. One of the activities we all need to initiate is to remove these conscious and unconscious negative emotions so that Love may flow through us. Here in lies one of the most important point in this book."

For many healers of the past it was clear that childhood trauma and the lack of love provided an atmosphere where illness could develop. Asthma sufferers need to look for and heal that emotional component that prevents them from healing so that they can start the asthma healing.

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We usually assume that we need medical intervention to cure any serious illness. So do many doctors, on whom we depend, as well. But the cure may not always be medical. Sometimes, it can be simple common sense that works.

This is what happened to a friend of mine when I was in Bangalore. Mahadevan was over fifty years then and he used suffer from frequent attacks of Asthma. He has become a very regular visitor to doctors and always kept a small stock of medicines and inhalers. He also tried homeopathy, ayurvedic and other herbal remedies in the hope of finding a permanent cure. But the attacks continued. To an extent, it is the air in Bangalore that causes and aggravates respiratory illnesses, people say.

One day, a friend of his, a medical doctor came to see him. This doctor settled abroad and occasionally came to India. Upon Mahadevan's request, he traveled to Bangalore, hoping that he could hit upon some relief to his friend's problem. And he did that too.

After sharing his medical and treatment history, Mahadevan took his doctor friend around the house. Bingo! The doctor noticed something that did wonders to Mahadevan. He pointed that the water storage tank is right above Mahadevan's bedroom. That was keeping the bedroom very humid which could probably be aggravating the Asthmatic condition.

Mahadevan promptly shifted his bedroom from under the water tank. Within a few months, his condition has improved dramatically. I was a tenant in his house in Bangalore and he shared this story with me one evening over drinks. It was seven years back and I hardly knew that I will become an entrepreneur in health industry then. But Mahadevan's experience forced me to think hard.

Our body works as a system. All things matter: the body, the mind or thinking, the food we take, the place we live in, the habits we have, and more. But unfortunately, our medical system is fragmented among different schools of medicine such as allopathy, ayurveda and so on. Moreover, our allopathic system of medicine is micro-fragmented among different sub or super specializations, whichever way you may want to call them. Because of this, we do not look at a health problem holistically.

But I suggest just one thing! When we have a problem, before assuming anything else, we should do a simple common sense check about the daily routine, physical activity, diet, mental factors such as stress, environment we live in, and the habits we practice. We analyze all other problems we may have. For example, if our performance is poor at work, we analyze that. If we fare poorly in exams, we analyze that. More so, if India looses a cricket match, we not only analyze but almost have sure ways of success for Tendulkar on our lips. Then why do not we at least try when we are ill?

We may think that health and medicine are too specialized and too risky. That is true! But we cannot harm ourselves by being more pro-active and involved in understanding and treating ourselves. And sometimes, we may find very simple solutions to the path towards healthy living. Doctor, or medicine, or God comes later in that order. But the best person you can depend upon to take care of your health is You!

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There have been studies correlating sleep apnea and asthma. Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder characterized by disruption in breathing as a person sleeps. The pauses are called apneas, and it can last in a period of time that normal breathing is disrupted, causing the person to skip one or more breaths. Doctors have categorized apneas to have caused a 10 second pause between breaths, and this should cause a neurological arousal or a desaturation of blood oxygen of 3 to 4 percent or more. Both neurological arousal and blood oxygen desaturation can also occur at the same time.

There are three kinds of sleep apneas: obstructive, central and complex. It has been estimated that 84% of sleep apneas are obstructive, 0.4% central, and 15% complex. Obstructive, which is the most common, is caused by the physical block to airflow despite the body's efforts to breathe. Central sleep apnea has something to do with how the brain signals the body to breath, and the miscommunication interrupts the breathing. Complex sleep apnea is actually the combination of both obstructive and central, which means the two kinds of sleep apneas transition to one another.

The problem with sleep apnea, however, is the person's inability to recognize that he or she has it, even if the person suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night. Usually, sleep apneas are identified by other people who witnesses the person's sleeping habits. Some people who suffer from sleep apnea might go on without knowing they have it for years or even decades. Though rarely fatal, sleep apnea causes anxiety, fatigue and sleepiness during the morning.

Asthma, on the other hand, is more recognizable by many since it is largely hereditary and easily diagnosed. Though the two might be entirely different, this does not mean that they are not correlated. According to the University of Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, young women who have asthma are twice likely to develop sleep apnea. They noticed that young women with asthma snores a lot while sleeping, and one of the best indicators that a person has sleep apnea is habitual snoring. Many people often disregard snoring in young adults as indicators of sleep apnea, since many have the notion that sleep apnea only affects older people (especially men). In fact, there are many groups of people who are susceptible to sleep apnea, and the researchers in the University of Cincinnati have correlated respiratory complications (due to smoking, asthma or otherwise) with sleep apnea.

Other studies also have found that asthma can cause other sleeping disorders other than sleep apnea. A support of this theory is that many asthmatics have reported sleepiness during daytime, which is an indicator of sleep apnea. However, patients who have both sleep apnea and asthma have found relief from their asthma when they were treated for their sleep apneas. The trouble with this theory is that researches have yet to concretely correlate both sleep apnea and asthma. Though many studies have indicated that there is a connection, until they find a definite link between the two, they will still have yet to find a better way to treat both conditions.

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During an asthma attack you may have chest pains, your heart beats quickly and unsteadily at times. You might put these symptoms down to heart strain and wonder if you could be about to have a heart attack. But let's separate asthma from heart disease because they are two completely different things. Asthma will not damage your heart but hardening of your arteries will. It is heart disease that can cause a heart attack and not asthma.

It is true that your heart does have some strain put on it during an asthma attack. Your chest muscles, abdominal wall and diaphragm all work harder in an asthma attack. They want more oxygen but there is less of it available because your bronchial tubes have narrowed. To make up for this, your heart has to pump more blood around your body and will beat faster - not much faster than if you had been running hard. You could well get cramp in your chest muscles just like ordinary leg cramp but this is muscular pain and not from your heart. A healthy heart is quite capable of meeting the extra demands placed on it and once your asthma attack subsides your heart rate will return to normal without any damage to your heart.

So try not to be anxious that your asthma is going to do damage your heart, your anxiety may only prolong the asthma attack. Remember that cramp my be causing your chest pain and the remedy for that is to relax and breathe more slowly. Be aware that in a severe attack of asthma your chest pain could last longer, but after medical treatment your heart rate will slow down and things will go back to normal.

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In the event you suffer from bronchial asthma there's a good deal you are able to do to support your self. Should you learn how to manage the rate and depth of your breathing, to relax properly and enhance your posture, it is often possible to stop an asthmatic attack from beginning or if it does start to at least make it shorter and fewer frightening.

There are many advantages once you learn these self-help methods. In the event you get fewer attacks of bronchial asthma you may lessen the risk of harming your lungs. Kids will miss fewer days from school, and adults will lose fewer working hours. During longer or bad attacks you can be much less likely to want hospital treatment. All in all you will discover financial, practical and emotional advantages to understanding these approaches to self-help.

Exercise is a superb thing for anybody with bronchial asthma. Amongst asthmatic sufferers are professional athletes who are still able to keep peak physical performance. Those who have bronchial asthma generally do their condition extra benefit by staying physically fit than by resting all of the time. Quite a few young asthmatics have discovered that their breathing is greatly improved if they do regular physical exercise, and their attacks become much less frequent and less extreme.

Getting invalided by sickness is sometimes inevitable, but ought to not be the case within the great majority of asthmatics. Becoming an invalid is frequently more of a state of mind than of body. Those who experience that they're invalids must be encouraged by their families and doctors to get up and about and do much more. You might require the support of a specialized physiotherapist. This physical improvement is certain to make your life a lot more interesting and worthwhile.

Possibly the easiest physical exercise the asthmatic can handle is walking short distances on level ground. Going uphill is a lot harder job and breathing is much more of an effort. Walking outdoors on a incredibly cold or windy day just isn't a fantastic strategy and on those days some type of muscle workout routines, like lying on the floor or bed and making use of your legs as though bicycling, will assist your muscle tone. Muggy or humid days are tough on asthmatics and outdoor physical exercise in this type of weather isn't best plan. You'll do far better to stay in a cooler or air-conditioned room. An additional excellent physical exercise for that asthmatic is swimming - preferably in heated pools. Rigorous exercising is only bad for really severe asthmatics. Most folks with bronchial asthma can handle and benefit from it quite properly.

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It's winter and parents begin worrying when the first asthma attack occurs and you hear the nightly wheezing that keeps your child awake. Back in the recesses of your mind, you ask yourself, should this be? No, but what do you do about it? Asthma, allergies, and other respiratory diseases can occur and actually be caused by mold exposure. Not recently this scenario occurred. I went to see a friend. She was giving her daughter a nebulizer treatment because she wheezes at night. My friend had a"Flovent" a preventative inhaler sitting on the counter to keep her asthma in check. Every winter this family has the same respiratory problems: asthma, colds, flu and pneumonia with the last condition quite serious. Doctors treat the asthma, pneumonia but not much is done to prevent the problems in the first place. There is something wrong with house and the air in it.

Two years ago that same friend's finished basement flooded after a 5 day heavy rain. The basement was carpeted, with furniture and boxes of toys. There are several rooms that are used for storage and are kept closed; a musty smell was apparent when opening the door. Some things were tossed; other prized should be pitched but porous possessions were kept. The prized stuffed animal had to go but it was kept. Anything porous and wet needed thrown away. The basement was never fully cleaned; but the floors and the flooded part of the basement were. When one says "fully cleaned", it means all surfaces wiped down with a mild detergent, a hepa vacuum used on all surfaces and a dehumidifier for basement running. A dehumidifier was installed which was a step in the right direction. Another thing to consider,how did the water get in? What type of mold is still in the basement could only be found by testing by a reputable lab. This house is 1 of over half the homes and buildings that have water intrusion and mold according to the ( NIOSH )(National Institute for Safety and Health)

The correlation between asthma, allergies and other respiratory infections to mold has been established. Many asthma patients react to mold. Mold is not easy for allergists to test. To discover mold allergy exists, it often requires subjecting a patient to several doses of mold before a reaction occurs. However, while some patients show an allergy to mold, they react to the allergy shot. Not everyone has mold allergies but can have a genetic defect that causes the body not to clear neurotoxins when exposed top mold which are able to effect every system in the body according to Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker.This condition is a "Biotoxic Reaction to Mold". This reaction causes asthma, airway restrictive disease and other respiratory ailments among a whole host of conditions.. Common sense can prevail. If you get sick in a damp building, you are reacting to mold. Asthma can continue to worsen when constantly exposed to offending agents like mold. Many parents keep their houses very hot which is an also an offending factor in asthmatic lungs: hot, dry air.

Asthma can also be triggered by strong scents like perfumed laundry detergent or air fresheners. The whole house needs to have cool,fresh air void of chemicals. Parents need to be the one that realize that the lungs of asthmatics are quite sensitive. Asthmatics must have a mold air purifier constantly running in their bedroom and through the house.There are many benefits to using mold air purifiers including getting killing mold, bacteria, germs and viruses and eliminating chemicals from the air. Use a hepa vacuum to properly clean surfaces of contaminants and not release contaminants back into the air as regular vacuums do.

Folks need to start thinking about how healthy is the air inside my house? Some simple things to do to help with mold, indoor air pollution and organic contaminants:

  1. Let sun shine in as often as you can. Mold loves dark and does not grow in sunlight.

  2. Leave bathroom door open after a shower. If possible, crack the window.

  3. Do not shut any doors in the basement because it creates an area for mold to grow.

  4. Place mold air purifiers throughout the house and run them year-round.

  5. Dehumidify your basement with dehumidifier for basement.

  6. Purchase a hepa vacuum; empty it outside.

  7. Instead of air fresheners which add to indoor air pollution and trigger asthma attacks, buy a small air purifier for the bathroom and actually clean the air.

  8. Since carpeting has over 120 chemicals ( including formaldehyde), pitch it and go with hardwood flooring. The underlayment for carpeting wears down and disintegrates gathering dirt and mold spores.

  9. Buy the least amount of cleaning chemicals as possible.

  10. If harsh chemicals including paints, hobby products, sealants etc are applied, open the window and have the asthmatic stay somewhere else for a few days.

  11. Wear more clothing in the winter and keep it cool.

  12. Make sure you have your heating system serviced and the ducts cleaned. Heating systems can blow mold everywhere.

  13. Spray the shower down with straight vinegar. It will smell for a bit but kills mold.

  14. Be a minimalist. Throw out or give away things that are not necessary. The less you own, the less chemicals in the air.

  15. Make sure the humidity level in any room is below 50%, chemical off- gassing occurs as humidity rises.

  16. Do not smoke around children and especially in a closed up car. Do not smoke in the house. Smoking is certainly correlated with respiratory diseases including second-hand smoke on young developing. lungs. Change the way you think and: Live healthy....Be Happy!

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There are two types of asthma, intrinsic asthma and extrinsic asthma. Internal factors like stress, air pollution, respiratory infection and exercise cause intrinsic asthma. Animals' dander, pollens, trees, molds, dust mites' etc causes' extrinsic asthma.

There is no proper means to prevent intrinsic asthma however people choose to utilize medicinal plants. There are no side-effects caused due to the use of medicinal plants for controlling asthma attacks. But it should be used sparingly.

Garlic is one of the medicinal plant which curbs asthma attack. Mixing garlic with boiled milk and drinking gives instant relief from attacks. Turmeric is also has therapeutic properties to relieve attacks. It should also be consumed with hot milk twice a day.

A mixture of camphor and mustard oil when applied on the chest can give instantaneous relief. It eases the pattern of breathing and loosens the phlegm from the chest.

Ginger also is an excellent means of keeps asthma conditions under control. Some of the herbs like sanctm, inula helenium, emblica, verbascum, chebulic, shilajit, glychyrrhiza glabra when missed in various medicinal proportions helps in controlling the symptoms of asthma and making the flow of air in the air tubes easier.

Although medicinal plants that are used for controlling asthma attacks do not have adverse effect it is better to consult your physician before switching over to it.

A bronchodilator which is prepared from aloe Vera, banana stalk and a flower belong to the family of hibiscus is being used by many asthmatics and has shown positive results. People have begun opting for medicinal plant for asthma attacks in different part of the world. Uses of medicinal plants have become an integral part of much ancient civilization. The healing properties of medicinal plants have successfully cured human illness till the development of science took place.

However some doctors warn against the use of medicinal plants in curing asthma because of the possible toxic effects present in some of them. Some of the medicinal herbs have been used since age old times and passed on traditionally from generation to generation.

Thus curing asthma attack through medicinal plants and herbs rather than by manmade drugs is always healthy option. Medicinal plants today have a new role to play. Besides decorating and being used in various cuisines, if used in appropriate doses can be converted into an effective drug for curing illnesses. Medicinal plants are used as medications in the form of oils, tinctures, syrups and decoctions. Today it is synthesized and manipulated in new forms by the pharmaceutical industry.

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Asthma is a chronic lung disorder caused when the airways react to certain allergens or stimuli. If it isn't treated and managed effectively, it can ultimately become a life-threatening disease.

People can develop asthma during adulthood, even if they've never had any problems earlier in life - even during middle age or even older. This is known as Adult Onset Asthma.

Proper diagnosis is important because asthma symptoms are often similar to other illnesses that can develop in adults, including chest problems, cough and even heart disease.

The most common asthma symptoms in adults include the following:

  • Wheezing

  • Shortness of breath

  • Persistent cough

  • Excess mucus production

  • Pain or tightness in the chest

There are number of things that can trigger asthma in adulthood. One of the most common - and severe - triggers is smoking. Cigarette smoke can cause acute asthma episodes as well as increased sensitivity to other allergens.

Smoking will always make asthma more severe and can also lead to other problems such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Smoking doesn't only effect the smoker who is asthmatic, either. Second hand smoke will aggravate asthma for anyone exposed to it, and fetal exposure to maternal smoking can also lead to early onset asthma.

Some of the other common asthma triggers in adults include:

  • Pollen, mold and other allergens

  • Strong odors

  • Infections

  • Certain medications such as beta-blockers and anti-inflammatory drugs

  • Dust

  • Exercise

Asthma is a permanent condition - not something that is treated then gone. Even when the symptoms are not apparent, the condition still exists.

As people get older, the lungs become less and less capable, resulting in more pronounced effects from asthma. For this reason, adult onset asthma must be managed properly because if the lungs deteriorate, they may never recover.

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