目前分類:what is asthma (590)

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There are a lot of health problems that people encounter nowadays which includes asthma attacks. This can actually occur at any age bracket and can be due to various environmental factors as well as ones particular lifestyle. If you are one of those who are suffering from this kind of health issue, you will definitely want to know how to deal with this properly. Here are a few pointers for you to look into.

The first thing that you will have to keep in mind is that you should be able to detect the symptoms of asthma before doing anything else. These attacks may happen for a certain time when you are caught off guard, but if you know what the symptoms are, you may as well be able to prevent an attack from coming and at the same time deal with it properly.

The symptoms may include having to deal with difficulty in breathing, having that heavy feeling on the chest, breathing with a whistling sound as well as coughing. Such symptoms may be triggered by a lot of things mostly related to environmental factors including chemicals present within the area, pets, microorganisms as well as food and climate can aggravate and cause asthma.

Now that you know the symptoms and the causes that may trigger such asthma attacks, there are a few things that you can do to make sure that you are not caught unaware of any particular emergency situation. If you are with a person is prone to such attacks, you should take note of certain precautionary measures that will help you prevent any asthma attacks to happen again. Keeping the air clean in the environment where the patient is and works all the time is a must. Making use of an air humidifier will help lessen such attack issues.

However let us say that this is the first time that you do see the symptoms occurring to the person for the first time and you don't know if this could be asthma or what. During emergency cases, you will have to determine if the patient is currently having that much difficulty in breathing ad if this is the case the patient will need enough ventilation and air. Usually an adult asthma patient will already know what to do, but if it is a child you will have to act quickly to help the child regain normal breathing pattern. It is as well important that during emergency cases, you act as quickly as you can to be able to bring the patient to the hospital to go through the proper procedure in dealing with this medical emergency.

Lastly, you will have to make sure that the patient takes the proper medical treatment to know what options are available when it comes to dealing with asthma attacks. You do not just easily opt for instant relief but you must aim for total prevention. We all know that these attacks may or may not be fatal for the patient. But as soon as you know how to deal with it properly, you do not have to worry yourself all the time.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Asthma therapy, to those who have spent a lifetime dealing with the impact asthma has on every aspect of their lives may seem like a far-fetched dreams. Though honestly, if you've suffered with asthma and the frightening attacks on your ability to breathe that go along with it, then you should be willing to step out on a limb a bit and try something new. Especially if this something new offers the promise of lasting relief from this hated disease and never needing to endure breathing treatments or traditional asthma therapy again.

Kicking the Inhaler

Haven't you always dreamed of the opportunity to kick your inhaler to the curb once and for all? Did you know that relief from stress can be one of the key ingredients in making that happen? It's true. You can make strides towards an asthma free life where you can breathe freely each and every day by learning to control the stress, panic, fear, and anxiety that are taking a toll on your health and well being. This type of asthma therapy may lead you to living a life without your inhaler at your beck and call.

Relaxation as Asthma Therapy?

Considering the fact that many asthma attacks are brought on as a result of stress and/or anxiety it makes sense that learning to remove stress or at the very least to reduce stress in your life would be beneficial as asthma therapy. Learning to breathe deeply is one relaxation technique that is sure to help you find relief from this dreaded disease but you can find breathing treatments of another kind by incorporating yoga, relaxing hobbies, daily walks, and other relaxation exercises into your normal daily routine. When you combine these with hypnotherapy, NLP, and self hypnosis you will notice even greater improvement in your overall health along with fewer asthma attacks. Can you ask for more from your asthma therapy?

Relief from Asthma through Hypnotherapy

The human bind is designed to heal itself of many ailments and conditions. When you learn to harness the power that the mind has over the body you really can begin to experience true healing even from conditions like asthma that feel as though they impact ever inch of your body. Hypnotherapy for the treatment of asthma is not intended to be used instead of medical treatment but in order to enhance that treatment or advance it, as the case may be.

Asthma therapy can be an amazing tool for those needing relief from this terrible but treatable disease. It works because not only are you learning to relieve tension, ease anxiety, and remove stress from your life through NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) but also how to reduce your overall stress level. This will lead to fewer outbreaks-particularly those that are brought about due to stress.

When you learn to harness the power of the mind over things in your life that set off your stress levels or cause your blood pressure to rise you will find that you are gaining control over so much more-including the asthma attacks that can bring you to your knees when stress levels are flying high. Take back control today by incorporating asthma therapy into your daily routine and finding real relief from asthma for good.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

This information is based on a personal case study while I was training asthma sufferers to be helicopter rescue crew in Sydney. For many of you this may be interesting especially if you have ambitions to be involved in an emergency service, the military or law enforcement. And for others just wanting to start running better with asthma the same principles will apply. Here are the steps.

Step 1 - Lose Weight

If you are overweight, you need to lose weight. All that extra work your body and your lungs are going to do is not going to help you running better with asthma so get your weight under control first.

Step 2 - Give up smoking and reduce the alcohol intake

Believe it or not, may asthmatics smoke. If you smoke and you run, you are setting yourself up for disaster. Reduce the alcohol intake as well. This will help with the weight loss.

Step 3 - Healthy Eating

Reduce your intake of fried foods and vegetable oils and increase your intake of omega 3 essential fatty acids (EFA). This will help reduce the inflammatory response and will definitely contribute to running better with asthma. Increase your intake of filtered water (about 8-10 glasses per day, minimum and more if you live in a hot/humid environment and/or you sweat a lot). Consume lots of green leafy vegetables - these tend to be higher in magnesium, manganese and other minerals that support healthy lung function. A liquid mineral supplement will also help significantly.

Ideally you should supplement your diet with additional essential fatty acids. As an asthmatic, you need to be consuming about 5 gm of EFA per day and you can really only achieve this through supplements. You'll be surprised how much of a difference this will make!

Step 4 - Warm up & Start Slowly

You definitely need to spend some time warming up especially if you live in a cold climate. The best way to do this is to spend about 10 minutes doing some very low impact aerobic activity indoors on an exercise bike or rowing machine. Alternatively, you could start with an easy walk. If you live in a cold country, wear plenty of warm clothes so you build up heat. This will definitely help running better with asthma. if you are new to any form of aerobic training, this activity may be sufficient to start with. Remember you are trying to perform the activity and keep your breathing under control and to do this you need to start slowly.

Step 5 - Set Easy Time Targets At First

Start with an easy target. The last thing you want to do is put pressure on yourself. You need to first get used to running for a certain period of time before you can start running and walking better with asthma. I suggest 10 minutes in the form of run and walk - so the idea is that you start walking as soon as you feel your chest tightening. Take the time to get your breathing under control and start a slow run as soon as you feel better. Have a friend run with you and carry your inhaler. Your aim is to run for 10 minutes non-stop. This may take a few weeks - don't rush it.

Step 6 - Set A Distance Target

Once you can run for 10 minutes, set a distance target. Now you are on the way to running better with asthma. I suggest a 5 to 7km target at first and increase to 10km. Again, run with a friend and you inhaler and don't be afraid to walk if you feel your chest tightening. If you live in a cold climate, remember cold weather can aggravate the problem so don't this in cold extremes. You may even consider doing this indoors on a running machine. You have two aims: (1) to complete the distance; (2) to do the distance with your breathing under control.

Step 7 - Now Push Yourself (A little at first)

To start running better with asthma you now need to push yourself over the same distance of 7 to 10km. Increase your work rate in small increments and start to time yourself over the distance. The plan is to start seeing small improvements each week - this may be measured in seconds rather than minutes. Be patient and stick with this approach for several months and you will notice your times improving - all the while you must be controlling your breathing - not the other way around if you are to begin running better with asthma.

Breathing Techniques

Losing weight and learning how to breathe properly while you exercise is more than half the battle to running better with asthma and the key here is to stay relaxed and not 'over-breathe'

A technique I have found very useful for asthma sufferers is the Buteyko Technique or Method. The Buteyko Method originated in Russia in the 1950's by Russian doctor, Konstantin Buteyko who linked over breathing with a variety of respiratory ailments, including asthma.

The method involves a series of breathing exercises done in a specific manner and involving correct body use and also involves reduced breathing, simple life style changes and education about medication and it's use (especially that of bronchodilators).

If you want to learn about breathing and start running better with asthma, find a Buteyko practitioner in your area and enrol - especially if time is important to you - i.e. if you are training for a fitness test.

As a final point, increased breathing during exercise causes cooling and drying of the lining of the air passages and it is thought that this is what may cause someone to get exercise-induced asthma. This also explains why warm moist air protects against exercise-induced asthma. Swimming rather than running, training in warmer and moister air and warming up for longer periods can all help.


To start running better with asthma you need to:

  1. Lose weight, stop smoking and reduce your intake of alcohol, fried foods a vegetable oils.

  2. Increase your intake of essential fatty acids and minerals, particularly magnesium and manganese.

  3. Spend time warming up before you run.

  4. Build up your running slowly and aim to run for 7-10km continuously - all the while keeping your breathing under control.

  5. Consider enrolling in Buteyko Breathing Techniques to improve your breathing naturally.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

In the past several years asthma is becoming more common among people and it is especially becoming a serious problem for our children. Since 1978 it has skyrocketed so much that this chronic condition is out of control. If something isn't done to prevent this, I believe that the growth in asthma numbers we will experience by the year 2025 could be in the hundreds of millions. The rising asthma numbers is alarming and people should start to take action to either prevent it or eliminate it, once it is contracted. Once it is contracted you have little or no choice but to go on prescription drugs. Try to avoid the deadly asthma attacks that could come from nowhere. This disease does not target people of certain age. It will come after anyone that has a weak immune system or has family in their past that had asthma as well.

There are pieces of a puzzle missing as to what is causing asthma. The missing pieces to that puzzle are "what can I do to prevent or eliminate asthma". There are many speculations on what causes asthma and why it becoming such a serious problem. One is like I mentioned earlier that it may be something that is hereditary in your family tree. Another theory is weak lungs that are vulnerable to this disease that strikes with little or no warning. Another theory is and this one is the one that I believe to be the biggest factor in contracting asthma, environmental pollution. The environmental pollution that surrounds our earth just on the jet stream alone is 1460 metric tons. That is a staggering number when you consider that all of us no matter what age or where we live, are breathing this stuff in on a daily basis. It cannot be avoided. We must find a way to fight against it or the number of asthma patients will become a very serious problem sooner than later.

Let's talk about prescription drugs. When you go in to see your doctor to find out if you have asthma, he will take what is called a peak flow meter to test the air flow in and out of your lungs. This will tell him how well air moves into the lungs. This can take some time because determining if someone has asthma should be diagnosed properly. This can take some time so plan on your first visit being a couple of hours. Another time factor is learning what triggers are causing you to have asthma attacks. Once your doctor has diagnosed your symptoms, he will prescribe you drugs, an emergency inhaler and in some severe cases a nebulizer for daily treatments. This is what happens when you are given this as your only choice. They control your symptoms only and will not eliminate it. If you're a young child the chances of outgrowing asthma are definitely on your side but nothing is for sure. If you are like me, the sound of having my symptoms only controlled but not eliminated sounds like a long road. With that come a lot of unneeded toxins in my body called "side effects" of prescription drugs.

When my son was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 4, I did what everyone else has done for many years. I went to see my doctor and I got my son on prescription drugs. He got an inhaler and because of the severity of his attacks, I was given a nebulizer. There was a short time frame in which to administer it to him. As a parent is was unbearable to see my little boy struggling to breathe. I wished so much I could take it on myself, which unfortunately, I could not do. So I did the nest best thing. I went in search of something that could eliminate it completely from his body. In my research, I looked at environmental pollution exposure as the cause of what I believed to be the reason he got asthma in the first place. We discovered a natural way to remove the toxic burden that was evidently in my child. In a short time his asthma slowly faded and 2 years later, asthma is nothing but a memory for him. His prescription drugs and inhaler are now collecting dust on a shelf from non use. Is asthma a serious problem? You bet it is. Can we overcome it or eliminate it? I believe you can with research and gifts from Mother Nature.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If you have asthma, you may find it that running or exercising is difficult.

If you want to know the secret to running better with asthma , you may find that you need an entire life change.

In some instances, changing your diet and exercise habits can allow you to run without being disturbed by closing airways and potential asthma attacks.

There are five easy steps that will allow you to master the techniques of running with asthma.

Lose The Extra Pounds

If you find yourself with a couple of extra pounds, consider losing them in order to make you run more effectively, even with your asthma.

The more you weigh, the more pressure you have on your body and lungs.

Especially if you are battling asthma, this extra pressure may be too much to handle.

Also, people who are overweight have other medical problems that can affect your asthma problems.

Once you have shed the pounds, you may find yourself running better with asthma .

Reevaluate Your Diet

Remember that you are what you eat.

Look carefully at your diet and throw out anything that is unhealthy.

Ditch the fatty, fried, sugar-coated, and all-around unhealthy foods in your panty and refrigerator.

Studies have shown that if you reduce the amount of fats that you consume, you can actually help your asthma problem.

Also, eating fresh vegetables heavy in magnesium keeps your lungs healthy and your asthma flare-ups at a minimum.

Since allergens can lead to asthma attacks, know which foods serve as your triggers and be sure to avoid those specific items.

Finally, drinking between eight and ten glasses of water each and every day will help to reduce the inflammation in your lungs.

Nix Smoking

Although no one who suffers from asthma should be smoking, you should certainly not combine smoking, asthma, and running or exercising.

If you are asthmatic and you do smoke, stop immediately.

Also, reducing the amount of alcohol that you consume on a regular basis will help you by allowing your body to become healthier.

Set Realistic Goals

If you are new to running, you are probably not aiming to break any speed records.

Instead, set a realistic goal about the distance that you plan to run and your projected pace.

Pushing yourself past your limit is often the most common trigger for an asthma attack, so take this into consideration.

If you plan on running on a regular basis, consider developing a plan that will allow you to work slowly but steadily towards your goal.

Also, practice breathing exercises that will allow you to maintain proper breaths even while running.

Know Your Limits

Everyone has their limit.

Typically, with those individuals who suffer from asthma, they have certain warning signs before a full fledged asthma attack.

Most often, a tightening feeling in the chest is the first sign that trouble lies ahead.

If your body tells you to stop, then by all means obey your body. When running on hot, humid, or cold days, you may need to change your regular routine.

During extreme weather conditions, individuals who suffer from asthma are more likely to experience some type of weather-induced asthma attack.

You should always have your asthma inhaler with you at all times, but especially when running or exercising so that you have the proper medication in the even of an asthma attack.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

So, You Might Ask, Why the Absurd Title?

Well, wouldn't you agree that the typical household has their carpets professionally cleaned once or twice a year? And if they entertain very much, their carpets may be professionally cleaned three or four times per year. Again, wouldn't you agree that our carpets are also vacuumed once every week, or two? This is great, because carpets, especially those in a bedroom, collect allergens and can be home to as many as 50,000 allergen producing dust mites.

How often do we have our mattresses and pillows, items that we have intimate contact with eight hours a day, professionally cleaned? Never, nor do we even clean them ourselves, weekly, or every other week! Bed linens yes,...but not the mattresses nor the pillows.

But do we sleep on our cleaned and vacuumed carpets? No, at least not normally. We are sane people, who sleep in our beds...our beds, that have NEVER been professionally cleaned, nor have the pillows, that we lay our heads upon, ever been professionally cleaned. So obviously, it would be more logical and even healthier, to sleep on our cleaned and vacuumed carpets!

Our unhygienic mattresses and unhygienic pillows harbor, on average, 2,000,000 dust mites and sometimes as many as 10,000,000 dust mites! Dust mites produce a digestive enzyme so powerful that it breaks down and kills living tissue. This digestive enzyme, called guanine, is excreted as a potent and very harmful allergen. Dust mites excrete 20 to 30 fecal pellets each day. Doing the math, that's the equivalent of 40 to 60 million fecal pellets accumulating in our mattress EACH DAY! The fecal pellets are approximately 15 microns in size but as they dry out they become powdery and decompose into even finer particulates. These particulates are then easily inhaled by YOU when fluffing a pillow or tossing and turning at night which, on average, happens 50 to 60 times per night.

Dust mites are responsible for 80% to 90% of allergenic compounds found in house dust. Although dust mites and dust mite allergens (DMA's) can be found throughout a home the vast majority of dust mites live, thrive, and breed, in the micro-habitat of a mattress and pillow. It's time to incorporate regularly scheduled mattress and pillow cleaning in routine housekeeping practices.

In any average home, Indoor Air Quality is now the worst that it has ever been and dust mites are the #1 cause of poor indoor air quality. Visit the EPA's newest website at: http://www.noattacks.org More Facts Concerning Indoor Air Pollution Asthma, "hidden" asthma, perennial rhinitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, eczema, and many more respiratory illnesses and skin disorders have INCREASED every year since 1980.

The ACAAI (American College of Allergies, Asthma, and Immunology) has stated that 50% of ALL ILLNESSES, are either caused by, or further aggravated by, poor indoor air quality.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has confirmed that, on average, the air quality with in our homes, schools, workplaces is 2 to 5 times worse than the outdoor air quality and in MANY places much, much, worse...as in 100 to 500 times worse! For real!!!

The EPA has also stated that since the '80's, children typically spend 90-95% of their time indoors. This is a MUCH higher percentage than when I was growing up in the 50's and 60's when our parents couldn't keep us inside (irregardless of the weather or time of day!).

So how could this have happened all across the U.S.? Here are just 3 of the major plausible reasons...

1). Energy conservation practices beginning in the late 1970's resulted in newer building construction methods, improved insulation and more "air-tight" structures to maintain indoor temperatures and indoor environments.

The negative impact that the less "draftier" structures have presented are the increased accumulations of indoor pollutants, both organic (dust mite allergens, molds, mildews, spores, bacteria, viruses, pet dander, and outdoor pollutants (pollen being #1) transported indoors and inorganic pollutants such as man-made chemicals and VOC's (volatile organic compounds).

VOC's emit gases from thousands of products found in a home such as: paints, lacquers, paint strippers, cleaning supplies, pesticides, carpet backing, building materials and furnishings, and also found in schools and workplaces such as copiers and printers, correction fluids and carbonless copy paper, graphics and craft materials including glues and adhesives, permanent markers, and photographic solutions.

Toxic chemicals are widely used as ingredients in household products. Paints, varnishes, and wax all contain organic solvents, as do many cleaning, disinfecting, cosmetic, degreasing, and hobby products. All of these products release chemical compounds while you are using them, and, to some degree, when they are stored.

2). Technology has played a negative role. The negative impact that technology has produced is the increase of indoor entertainment. Cable television, computers, interactive games (Play Station, X-Box, etc.) are often the entertainment of choice amongst school kids and young adults. This type of entertainment keeps people indoors instead of outdoors playing games like whiffle ball, jacks, hop scotch, 2-square (or 4-square), tag, Red Rover, or even hide-and-seek...

3). Globalization (the latest "El Nino" like, excuse). While G-zation is pretty cool (the world shrinking leads to sharing of new ideas, better access for traveler's to far away places, and furthering cultural exchanges). G-zation is also responsible for some negative impacts, some already known like the bird flu or the re-infestation, in the U.S., of the once nearly extinct bed bug and additional negative impacts, not yet realized.

Lastly, (and I can't quite decide if these are major or minor reasons) I suspect housekeeping practices and how "family-life" has changed since the '70's and 80's. Divorce among marriages actually became the norm (even becoming a status symbol) unlike in the '60's, family's (or what remained of families) became more mobile and thusly left behind assistance (and knowledge) from extended family members (grandma and grandpa), divorced mom's joined the work force leaving the home unattended (housekeeping became less of a priority), or the household needed BOTH parents to become wage earners, again allowing housekeeping to suffer, even if minimally.

Source Control, Attack the #1 Cause of Indoor Allergens

Grandma and Grandpa and the generations before knew the importance of mattress cleaning. This was a common spring cleaning ritual back in the days when everyone hung their laundry out to dry. Even though dust mites weren't discovered until 1694 (by the inventor of the microscope) they have lived on earth about 300 million years. When man began sleeping on mattresses the dust mites learned of the new food source provided by humans. This happened about 10,000 years ago and it's no coincidence that mattress cleaning became a normal "housekeeping" function about 8,000 years ago.

Health and Wellness begins at home and to experience the best health, it's time to once again, begin sleeping on hygienic mattresses and pillows...or sleep on the clean carpets. If you appreciated this article you may be interested in other articles authored by Tom Hefter.

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Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Many people who have asthma can drastically reduce their asthma and the wheeziness of their chest by simply following the correct diet. This is only possible if you have a natural diet. Many asthmatics eat a lot of diary and also crave chocolates. Chocolate cravings are usually caused through magnesium deficiency and you can simply correct this by taking magnesium supplements, this will help your chocolate addiction and also ease your asthma.

If you do suffer from asthma, then be sure to cut us much processed foods out of your diet as possible. Stress is a leading cause of asthma and is usually caused through improper diet. Stress, diary products and chocolate all cause you to breathe more and as an asthmatic you should reduce your breathing and avoid anything which will change the amount of volume of air that you breathe in on a regular basis.

One super food that you should consider to be part of your daily diet are dates. Dates have been proven to help many diseases over the years and also help those who suffer from many of the other respiratory diseases out there. You should try eat as much raw fruit and vegetables as possible. Not only for the nutritional aspect but also because when you eat a rich raw food diet you increase your immune system which prevents you from getting ill and helps keep allergies at bay but the most important aspect of eating raw unprocessed food is that it helps keep your weight down and also helps you lose weight.

Honey and ginger throughout the ages has also helped people in the far east ease their asthma, you could add it to some warm water and drink it 2-3 hours before you sleep. This will help you breathe in through your nose and also help you sleep better at night.

I mentioned that asthmatics breathe heavier and larger volumes of air when compared to non-asthmatics, the reason asthma is on the rise has got to do with processed foods which is also why there is such a high rate of obesity around these days. When you are overweight you cannot breathe properly the extra fat on your diaphragm restricts your breathing causing you to breathe through your mouth which increases the amount of oxygen you intake this combined with being asthmatic is deadly.

The worst part is that you will find that you need to use two types of inhalers which are the reliever and the preventer asthma medication which is the worst thing you could land up on due to a threefold increase in you dying and also landing up in hospital.

You should on a regular basis exercise, eat plenty of raw food (fruit/vegetables) and consider adding dates to your diet.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Although asthma can be an expensive condition, the good news is that many Americans are able to get health insurance coverage. There are many things to consider before you choose a health insurance provider, however. Some companies may exclude those with pre-existing medical conditions, while others may approve them but have pre-existing condition exclusion periods. Still other companies will have caps on the amount of coverage provided. In order to get the most out of your health insurance, you will need to compare plans carefully.

The first, and most important, thing to look for when you need health coverage for your asthma is what the health insurance policy actually covers. You will need to make sure that your plan covers hospital visits as well as routine visits to the doctor. Unfortunately, some plans limit the amount of coverage for medication and medical treatments, and it is very unlikely that you will be able to receive coverage for preventive care. You may also have to deal with chronic condition limits and pre-existing condition limits.

A pre-existing condition limit simply means that if you were diagnosed before you applied for health coverage, you may be excluded from treatment for your condition for a certain period of time. Most plans limit treatment for six to eighteen months, but most employer-provided health plans have a maximum limit of twelve months. State and government plans, such as Medicaid, do not usually have these limits. A chronic condition limit can be a little trickier to deal with. It simply means that conditions that are not expected to improve within a given amount of time will not be covered. Although this does not usually apply to asthma, you should check your policy just to make sure.

The cost of your health insurance is another factor to consider. You will need to look at premium rates, copayments, deductibles, and how much of your treatment you will be expected to cover. The premium is a monthly charge that will stay constant (until renewal, at least) regardless of how many claims you make. The deductible is what you will need to pay on a yearly basis before your health plan starts paying for services. The copayment refers to what you will need to pay each time you use a service - usually a very small amount. You will need to consider each of these factors to get the most coverage while spending the least amount of money.

If you need assistance in locating particular coverages at a pre-determined price, we can help you save up to 50% on your health insurance monthly premium.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Asthma is a condition of the respiratory system affecting millions of people worldwide. It is a common condition, especially in children. If you are suffering from asthma, you should be in close consultation with a respiratory expert. In saying that, I credit you have found this article and for searching for a more natural approach.

Thankfully, I may be able to help you in a more holistic and natural way then perhaps your G.P can.

I think that it is AMAZING how I can now control my asthma to the point I can say that I have found my cure and even more AMAZING is now I can and do help countless of others around the world do the same.

You see asthma is not all that intimidating to me. I DO NOT view asthma as an incurable disease, I merely view asthma as one or two symptoms of a normal bodily reaction which I can control.

Below is my Top Ten Natural Ways To Prevent Asthma Symptoms.

10. Get adequate Vitamin D. Asthma is an immune disorder. Vitamin D is regarded as the immune vitamin. Take stock. Get it into you!

9. Eat a good enzyme rich balanced diet with plenty of fresh natural foods, vegetables and nuts and seeds.

8. Eat a diet rich in anti-imflammatory foods. E.g, Spices, Garlic, Onions etc.

7. Get a source of probiotics into your diet. Such as yoghurt or fermented vegetables. Another great immune booster.

6. Maintain a clean environment where you live and work. Avoid pollution, dust and dust mites.

5. Get plenty of exercise. If you exercise regularly, your symptoms will be VASTLY improved.

4. Don't overeat. Overeating can speed up the cardio-vascular system, making breathing more labored. Especially important before bed time.

3. Don't Sleep on your back.

2. Breathe through your nose.

1. The most important aspect of controlling asthma starts at the very foundation. THE BREATH. If you do not breathe correctly you will most certainly experience the symptoms of asthma, such as wheezing, coughing, tightness in the chest, rapid and irregular heart beat. So how do you breathe correctly? Do you even know what it means to breathe correctly? Probably not, but I can and I want to show you how simple it is.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Although there is no particular reason why there are so many people suffering from asthma, it is generally known that allergies can cause asthma, as a chronic condition, after some serious respiratory problems. Medication and treatment that follows an allergic reaction, aims at reducing the symptoms and cure them completely within some time, however, studies show that there is a 20% of people who develop asthma after some severe allergic reaction that caused respiratory and throat problems.

Toxins and allergens that exist in our atmosphere make the situation even harder; it is said that among the asthma patients, almost half of them are allergic to dust, mold, pollen and insects, which cause serious asthmatic attacks that can be lethal if not immediately and properly treated. People who suffer from asthma have a hard time dealing with this condition, because there are just a few available solutions. One of them, a safe and natural solution is Asthma Mist.

1. What Is Asthma Mist All About?

Asthma Mist is a homeopathic product; it is a spray that comes fortified with natural ingredients, known to homeopathic experts for their effectiveness in different symptoms associated with asthma. Asthma Mist is a mixture of natural herbs able to deal with the most serious and frequent symptoms of asthma: wheezing, coughing, bronchial and mucous congestion or tightness in chest. It is also very effective with the most serious problem that comes with asthma - shortness of breath. Finding relief is as easy as spraying twice a day.

2. What Are The Advantages Of Asthma Mist?

The great advantage of Asthma Mist is that it is easily absorbed and helps the patient regain his strength and health fast, alleviating the pain and all problems associated with asthma. It is a natural formula, based on ingredients that have no side effects.

3. Where To Find Asthma Mist.

You can find Asthma Mist at the product's website and order it directly from there. If you visit the website of the company you will also read a lot of positive comments and testimonials written by real patients and users of Asthma Mist, who write about their good experience with this product. Keep in mind that it comes with a 90 day money back guarantee.

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Nobody really enjoys having asthma attacks. In this chapter, you will find different methods used to prevent asthma attacks. Living healthy, happy and normal lives, without having to worry about the occurrence of the annoying signs and symptoms of an asthma attack is not only possible but probable.

1) Visit A Doctor

It is very important to visit a doctor once you suspect or know that you have asthma because by doing so, precautionary measures and vital tips and advice will be given by your doctor.

2) Learn What Triggers The Asthma Attacks

Learning what triggers your asthma attacks is important so that you can avoid being exposed to them. Although some people may easily identify what triggers their asthma attacks, it is still highly suggested that asthmatics visit their doctor or an asthma specialist so that there will be a clear diagnosis of the triggering factors.

3) Get Rid Of The Triggers

When you are aware of what triggers your asthma attack, it's high time that you rid yourself of those triggers. If the triggers are found in your home, such as dust or flowers, you should do your best to get rid of them so that your life will be easier and avoid asthma attacks. You can ask your friends or family members to help you get rid of the triggers in your home. Why expose yourself to the triggers by trying to get rid of them, right? If the triggers are found in your workplace, you might have to consider finding a new job; or, if that's too drastic for you, you can ask your boss if it's possible to move or transfer you to a place or area that does not have any asthma triggers. Do explain your health situation to your boss clearly and honestly so that he or she can understand you and give you proper consideration.

If your trigger is a scent or other beauty product, you have no choice but to stop using the product. Even though the trigger may be your favorite scent, you really have to give it up or else you will suffer asthma attacks.

4) Take Medicines Faithfully

When you visit a doctor, you will usually be given medications that will help you live with your asthma. Some medicines are good for asthma attacks while some are preventive medicines. You should take these faithfully; never skip a dose and don't under or overload yourself with the medicines. Take them as they are prescribed to achieve the maximum positive results.

5) Asthma Action Plan

Have you heard of this? Well, asthma action plans are usually applicable to children who are suffering from asthma but adults can also benefit from asthma action plans. Doctors and asthma specialists are usually the ones who design and create an asthma action plan that is specific and custom-made for each patient.

As we all know, the triggering factors, the intensity and duration of the symptoms of asthma are greatly different from one person to another. That's why having an asthma action plan designed especially for you can greatly help you to overcome and prevent future asthma attacks.

6) Cleanliness Is The Best Policy

As mentioned earlier, it is very important to get rid of the triggering factors so that there will be less chance of an asthma attack. Having and maintaining a house that is clean, dust-free and mold-free is a very advantageous thing for people who have asthma.

Blankets, stuffed toys and pillows must also be vacuumed, washed or dry-cleaned regularly because they serve as great homes for triggering factors of asthma. It is important to remember that a clean home means clean air, and clean air lessens the chances of future asthma attacks.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Asthma, with its resultant wheezing and shortness of breath, is a distressing condition. At worst it can be fatal, so asthma attacks should be taken extremely seriously, with sufferers and their family doing everything possible to reduce the incidence of these frightening attacks.

Adult on-set asthma is often caused by environmental or dietary factors, so when seeking asthma relief it's important first of all to address these factors in your life style.

The most common food allergens to avoid are: eggs, wheat, dairy products (including yoghurt), yeast, fish and citrus. Others thought to be implicated include: corn, peanuts, carrots, prawns, colas, red meat (especially pork), salt, spinach, chicken, turkey, sunflower seeds, soya products, yeast, goat's milk, kidney beans, sugar, blackcurrants and food additives - particularly tartrazine (E102), benzoates (E210-219) and metabisulphite (E220-227).

Common environmental triggers include animal dander (minute scales shed from an animal's skin, hair or feathers), chemicals, drugs, house-dust mite, goose feathers, fumes, mould, grasses, pollen, tobacco smoke or environmental pollution such as fumes from paint, adhesives, industrial or dry cleaning chemicals.

Other triggers to avoid include: adrenal disorders, anxiety, changes in temperature or weather, excessive exercise, extremes of dryness or humidity, low blood sugar, emotional stress such as fear, and - oddly enough, even laughing in some sufferers,

Dietary Recommendations: Identify and avoid food allergens, see list above for those which are most common. Ideally aim to eat about 1lb (400-500g) of fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Include nuts, seeds, oatmeal, brown rice and wholegrains. Follow a diet that maintains a steady blood sugar level (small regular meals) and is relatively high in protein and low in carbohydrates.

Include garlic and onions. They contain quercetin which has been shown to inhibit an enzyme that aids in releasing inflammatory chemicals. Include 'green, chlorophyll, drinks'. A juice fast including lots of lemon juice for three days per month can help rid the body of toxins and mucous.

Avoid wheat bran, sugar, yeast and gas-producing foods such as beans, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. Don't have ice cream or iced drinks as they may shock the bronchial tubes into spasm.

Flax oil seeds or capsules are a good vegetarian source of essential fatty acids (EFAs) that are necessary to produce anti-inflammatory prostaglandins. If using seeds, grind them or drink with plenty of water.

As a qualified nutritionist I strongly recommend adding a good supplement program to a good diet.

Nutrient Recommendations: A multi-vitamin/mineral complex with selenium and zinc will boost your immune system - in particular, vitamins A, C and E are antioxidants that protect your mucous membranes. B-complex is helpful (particularly vitamin B6) as it also supports the immune system and vitamin B5 helps beat stress. CoQ10 counters histamine. HCl (Hydrochloric acid - found in the stomach) and pancreatic supplements should be considered if you need help digesting protein. In one study, 80% of asthmatics were found to have low stomach acid (HCl). If this isn't corrected, the shortage may make allergies worse. Magnesium is a mineral that has also had good results and in several scientific studies Ginkgo biloba has been found beneficial. Pau D-arco reduces inflammation and acts as a natural antibiotic.

As with all complementary therapies, if you are being treating for a particular condition by your medically qualified practitioner, do not make any changes to your treatment without his or her approval.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The myth that asthma limits physical abilities is not true. Exercise is an important activity for our everyday life and people with allergies and asthma are usually able to exercise. Research has also shown that regular moderate exercise as part of a professionally guided programme of asthma management helps prevent asthma attacks. Exercise should however, not be done during times of sickness.

Here are some tips to help you prevent asthma and allergy attacks during exercise:

1. Pack your medicine in your gym bag: The type of medication will depend on your condition- either allergy or asthma. People with allergies may take antihistamine tablets before the activity while those with asthma can use the inhaler before the exercise. If you take the medication 15 minutes before the exercise, you should be all right.

2. Consider your environment and the weather: For those who have dust mite allergy, you may consider exercising outdoors because of household mites but those who are allergic to grasses or weeds should consider an indoor location during certain seasons.

Check that the air is not too cold or too dry. This can irritate the bronchial tubes. Warm, moist air generally allows people with asthma to exercise successfully. Do all you can to avoid exercising in areas with large amounts of chemicals. Industrial areas are a perfect example, or heavy traffic areas with high levels of exhaust fumes. Keep indoor exercise free of irritating odours.

3. Participate in exercises that require shorter bursts of exercise: these exercises tend to cause less trouble than those that involve long periods of running. For people with asthma, swimming is the ideal exercise. This is because, with the high humidity, you mouth won't dry out. Baseball, tennis and golf is also good.

4. Breathe through your nose, not your mouth: If you open your mouth to gasp for air when exercising hard, you are drying out the back of throat and it becomes cool, which triggers your asthma. So keep your mouth closed and breathe through your nose.

5. Take time to warm up: It is recommended that you should not push yourself beyond your capabilities. Begin your exercise programme carefully. Take time to warm up and then start out slow but steady. Starting out fast will make you wear out fast.

6. Take precautions seriously: For those who have insect sting allergies, here are some tips if you are exercising outdoors.

Do not wear bright coloured clothing, cologne, perfume or lotion.

- Wear a medical warning bracelet.
- For emergency treatment, carry a syringe with adrenaline.
- Make sure your exercise location is close to a healthcare facility.
- Avoid areas such as flowerbeds and trash cans where wasps and bees like to hide.

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How to explain asthma? Asthma is something we are all aware of; even if it doesn't affect us directly we know it kills, but what is it? Here are some useful things you should know about asthma.

Asthma kills. We have had epidemics of Cholera and Typhoid killing thousands of people and now, in this generation, we have asthma. It is not as dramatic as those other two diseases since it is not contagious and doesn't wipe out swathes of population at a time. Headline news is not as attention grabbing when it is not a threat to the entire population. However, the facts show asthma is steadily on the increase and potentially a greater killer than Cholera and Typhoid combined.

Asthma is something we are all aware of. Even if it doesn't affect us or our families directly, we have heard of it. But what exactly is it?

Asthma Attacks and Panic Attacks

Here is a general description of what happens during an asthma attack. The lining swells in the tubes running from the lungs, up through the throat to the mouth and nose, thus leaving less space for the passage of air; the throat muscles contract and mucus builds up giving the sensation of being strangled from the inside. It continues getting narrower and the sufferer finds it more and more difficult to breathe.

At this stage it is called an asthma attack. What follows is gasping for air accompanied by a sense of panic. This may develop into a panic attack with the sufferer feeling like they are drowning. Frequently this is accompanied by chest pains. It's a very scary experience. If asthma has not been diagnosed, you may well believe you are having a heart attack.

So, assuming you know this is asthma, the next question is "Why does it happen?" The truth is there is no single simple answer. There is frequently a family pattern, so a genetic predisposition is a factor. Studies into asthma show that smoking and obesity are significant contributors. The environment has changed considerably in recent times and, interestingly, underdeveloped countries have a much lower incidence of asthma than the more developed hygiene-conscious populations.

Asthma Triggers

Asthma affects different people in different ways. Pollen does affect some people while others may be unaffected by the pollen but react to domestic pets, certain wines or cigarette smoke. These are called asthma triggers and there are many of them. As well as those already mentioned, some common ones are dust mite droppings, exertion, anything requiring good breathing such as laughing or even speaking sometimes. It is well worth it to try and discover just what your individual trigger is (there may be more than one). This is time consuming, so please be patient - it will be worth it, I promise! Observation and common sense will help make your life easier.

The good news is that much can be done to keep this disease at bay. Knowledge gives you power; sensibly using this knowledge there is every hope that an asthma sufferer will go on to live a normal, healthy life.

There is an interesting theory that asthma is a defence mechanism that kicks in when the balance of different gases in our lungs goes out of kilter. Much work on this line of thought has been done in Russia. To get the balance right, they retrain the breathing patterns and the asthma goes away! Look up a website with an alternative solution about how to cure asthma the natural way.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

A natural asthma relief comes in the form of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar, known as the "wonder medicine", has been used since ancient times to cure ailments. It has been used to aid and promote a variety of number of health benefits, including promoting longevity! And if you are suffering from asthma, regular intake of it will help you feel much better.

Just take a spoonful of it every day, and you will reap all the health benefits that comes with it. If you do not like the taste, you can put the spoon right to the back of your mouth, beyond your taste buds, and just swallow it quickly. Otherwise, you can mix it with a glass of water and some lemon to hide the taste. Usually, after a few days, you will get used to the taste and may even begin to enjoy the acquired taste.

Another way that you can take it is by heating it slightly and take it with some honey. Make sure that you heat it over the stove, and not in the microwave, as this will change the molecular structure of it and cause it to lose its efficacy. Do not over heat it, just heat it slightly with some honey to make it more pleasant for you. This will soothe your throat and bronchial, and ward off the irritation of the throat that cause those nasty coughs that accompany asthma.

By taking this regularly, you will find your health improving drastically. Whenever you feel an asthma attack coming on, take one tablespoon mixed in water and sip it slowly. You will find that the wheezing will lessen considerably. If it does not stop, take another spoonful with another glass of water, and breathe deeply. Apple cider vinegar contains a potent supply of potassium which can help relief symptoms like running nose, sinus, excessive mucus formation and watery eyes. You will find that it will clear your breathing passage.

However, natural asthma relief remedies can only do so much for you, if you do not get rid of the cause of the asthma itself. If it is work related asthma due to stress, you may need to find alternative jobs in the long term. So many people are suffering from asthma that it is becoming a rather alarming disease to society. We need to take preemptive measures to put a stop to this.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

For some reason or other more than 50% of people with asthma also have sinus symptoms or nasal symptoms of some kind. Oftentimes the symptoms are of an allergic nature and can be triggered by mold, animal dander, pests, pollen or dampness. If you have chronic inflammation in your nasal passages due to sinus problems this can trigger symptoms of asthma. It's unknown just how asthma can be triggered by sinus infections or sinus problems and scientists are still working on it. What causes asthma is one of the mysteries or puzzles that affect many sinus and asthma sufferers.

One possibility is that something in the diet is causing both the sinus and asthma symptoms, in other words - from the same food source. People on vegan diets experience less sinus problems. One possibility is that the postnasal drip (the sinus drainage that goes down the back of your throat) drains into the lower airway leading to increased inflammation and hyper-reactivity. Asthma can be aggravated if the nasal obstruction causes you to breathe through your mouth. This can cause a loss of heat and moisture into the lower airways.

Until scientists determine what exactly the connection is between asthma and asthma attacks and sinusitis, sinus infections and sinus problems you want to make sure and do everything you can to control or eliminate the sinus problems. By doing so you can be in a good position to control and manage 50% of the asthma problems just by eliminating known causes of sinus problems and sinus infections.

By managing the sinus problems you should be able to experience less asthma attacks and may actually come up with the reason you're having the asthma and sinus issues, especially by changing your diet - say to a raw food diet or raw vegan diet. That would be eliminating milk, which has long been suspect and meat, grains (which can cause celiac disease - the gluten in wheat, spelt, barley, rye, kamut and others) and wheat is the most allergic food there is. And there are other highly allergic foods to consider.

People have cured themselves of asthma; it doesn't necessarily have to be a life sentence. Many kids have outgrown it. If you start today on working on getting rid of all the causes of sinus problems in your life you may just stop the asthma for good. Sinus medications are not the answer and may interfere with any inhalers or asthma medications you may be taking. Antibiotics are no longer routinely prescribed since most sinus infections are caused by fungi or mold and not bacteria. There are good natural home remedies for sinus infections that work.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

You can conquer your asthma beginning immediately. You will have to fight a battle on 3 fronts, but in this technological age everything you need to know is at your fingertips. Plan your campaign of attack and begin today, and in a very short time you could be experiencing life-long freedom from asthma symptoms.

1. Triggers of asthma and allergies

If you suffer from asthma, chances are that your attacks are triggered by something in your environment. either at work or at home. More and more information about asthma triggers is now available via the internet.

2. Breath re-training

But even where triggers are present, breath re-training has been proven to be highly effective for the prevention and control of asthma symptoms. Scientific tests have shown that by re-training your habitual breathing patterns, you can control the onset of an attack, and with further practice, eliminate attacks altogether using the simple method described in this article (Read on).

3. Nutritional supplements and herbal remedies

Over the past century, the march of Western Medicine has enabled us to control the symptoms of a variety of illnesses. Meanwhile, age-old herbal treatments have been forgotten or relegated to the status of "snake-oil" and quackery, but evidence shows that our ancestors new more than most of us realize about freely available herbs and natural remedies that can be highly effective.

The fact is that many of the expensive drugs on the market today are synthetic versions of traditional herbal remedies. It stands to reason - if modern Western medicine were the only way to really control illness, human beings would have become extinct thousands of years ago.

Many of us already know that certain plants have profoundly beneficial effects on the respiratory system, but few know the exact amounts and proportions of the ingredients needed to maximize effectiveness.

If you suffer from severe, life-threatening asthma attacks as I did many years ago, you will need to develop your health and wellness campaign to tackle all three of the above-mentioned areas, and the best place to start is with your breathing.

The Buteyko Method

During the 1950s, a young Russian doctor - Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko - discovered that what he called "the asthma response" was not, as commonly believed, oxygen starvation caused by blocked or restricted bronchial tubes, but carbon dioxide starvation due to hyperventilation. His theory, like most radical ideas in history, was initially rejected by the authorities, but he was not deterred, and the Buteyko Method has since been proven effective in several scientific tests around the world.

Perhaps it would be cynical to suggest that the only reason his method has not gained the universal recognition and acceptance it deserves is the profitability for pharmaceutical companies of keeping countless millions of sufferers dependent on drugs known to have serous side-effects.

Thankfully you can begin to test and train yourself in the Buteyko Method quite simply as follows:

Take 2 normal breaths, then breathe out. How long can you hold your breath? This is called the "Control Pause Experiment". The average person manages around 20-25 seconds. Less than that is a sign of breathing dysfunction.

Now breathe through your nose for about 5 minutes. Keep your mouth shut and breath quietly and gently, in the mid-range of your lung capacity. Avoid over-inhaling and over-exhaling. Now repeat the "control pause" and see if you can hod your breath for longer.

Repeat the cycle of holding your breath, breathing gently for 5 minutes and holding again 4 or 5 times in all.

Repeat this sequence 3 or 4 times daily, every day for a week.

Increasing your 'control pause' test result is the goal. Your target is 60 seconds or more. If you can achieve this within one week, there's a good chance that you will have your asthma symptoms under control.

Warning: Never discontinue prescribed medication without proper consultation with a qualified medical professional.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Have you actually calculated how much you will owe on that student loan, yet? The numbers are staggering, and you'll likely spend the first decade after graduation still living paycheck to paycheck because of the payments. There are alternatives that many still haven't learned about.

The federal government and private companies are offering a $10,000 scholarship for undergraduate students for university education purposes. This money is not a loan, but instead a grant that will never be repaid. The obvious question: "how can I get one?"

Well, let's first understand where this money is coming from. When the economy tanked, many headed back to school, and our President saw this as an opportunity to educate America's workforce to ensure our success in the global marketplace. In doing so, many private organizations joined in, and suddenly there was plenty of scholarship money to go around. In fact, the qualifications are endless.

Many students still don't understand how to find college scholarships. The process can be tedious, but it doesn't have to be. The private corporations have websites that you can register with, using simple a name and an email address, that will update you with information regarding grants that you may qualify for. Many students are learning that there is $10,000 waiting on them, they needed only to claim it!

To broaden the qualifications, in addition to "field specific" scholarships, there are scholarships for students with ADHD, asthma, or any disability. These grants are designed to help those in need to offset the costs of a college education, allowing them to focus on their studies.

Visit a reputable collegiate grant site, and find out just how much in scholarship money to qualify for. Whether you're seeking a scholarship for undergraduate students for university education purposes, or scholarships for students with ADHD, asthma, or any disability, you'll find what you're looking for via one of these sites.

So, to answer the question of how to find college scholarships...right here!

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In the previous years, a large variety of asthma treatments has been released adding to the confusion of parents on which needs to be used in different situations.

There are basically two types of medications. What are these?

Controller Asthma Medicines

These is also called preventive treatment for asthma which can be given to your child daily to aid in keeping symptoms at bay as well as asthma attacks.

What are these controller asthma medicines?

• Inhaled steroids like Asmanex, Aerobid, Flovent HFA, Azmacort etc.

• Leukotriene receptor antagonists

• Advair which is a mixture of beta2 agonist and steroids

• Long acting beta2 agonists

• Theophylline

• Children with allergic athma receive Xolair injections

• Other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory controller medications

Asthma attacks can't be stopped or cured by controller asthma medicines. Pediatricians may recommend increasing dosage of this medication when your child is having an attack however it is merely to get quick relief.

Quick Relief Asthma Medicines

This treatment for asthma helps when your child's asthma symptoms occur like wheezing, coughing and trouble breathing. This are also called rescue medicines.

What are examples of rescue medicines?

• Atrovent

• Terbutaline

• Xopenex HFA, Levaluterol - Xopenex Soln

• Pirbuterol - Maxair Autohaler

• Albuterol, Proventil, Ventolin, Albuterol - Accuneb

• Oral steroids like prednisolone and prednisone (syrup form is given to children who can't swallow pills yet)

Having an asthma action plan helps you understand which medication is best for your child. If you don't have an asthma action plan yet, consult your doctor or go to a pediatric pulmonologist for further asthma education and management.

Kellysdavq 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The first step to learning how your body can overcome asthma and many other diseases is to first understand how your body works and how asthma may be caused. There is no sure thing on what will causes asthma because of the issues that surround the problem. Hereditary is to blame in a lot of cases of asthma, even if the person from your family was like your great granddads granddad. Another theory on what causes asthma is environmental pollution. Environmental pollution plays a big role in an asthma sufferer's triggers list for what can trigger an asthma attack. For example the cleaning products that you use inside your home can trigger an asthma attack. On high pollution days when the ozone layer has dropped down to ground level, you begin breathing in all the toxins that have been floating around on the jet stream. Breathing in these toxins right in your own front yard can be catastrophic to someone with asthma, and it happens all over the world.

So, understanding some of those triggers may lead us back to what actually causes the disease in the first place. Let us start at the beginning of when you were being created inside your mother's womb. Your mother had already started to share her toxic burden that she has accumulated with you during your first stages of life. That means when you were you born your body was already burdened with environmental pollution. Each child born anywhere in the world has an approximate amount of toxins they are born with and that numbers is about 200 known toxins and carcinogens in their blood stream. So our battle with disease like asthma and your body's immune system are already compromised the day you are born. We have already begun to work on cleaning up our planet but what about the damage that has already been done? Our planet is a toxic playground and we are in constant danger from this pollution.

Since the damage has already been done to our planer then a simple action plan should be simple to formulate. The idea of toxins in our bodies creates the problem of having to remove these toxins. Like our planets problem, where we have buried tons of toxins in the ground it's not likely the job of removal would be an easy one. Unlike the planet our bodies can make it much simpler. Cleaning out the toxins from our body can open up many doors to healing. The war that goes on daily inside your body could slow down to just a small fight because of toxins that won't give your body the leverage it needs to fight against disease and illness. Now, the process of removing these toxins can be hard to find and you have to decide if you want to remove them chemically or naturally. Which one would you prefer? If you said naturally you're on the right track because chemicals are what are making our toxic burden grow out of control. This accounts for the sharp rise in asthma cases and many other diseases.

The removal of your toxic burden naturally starts right in your home and in your kitchen. Vegetables and fruits must be washed thoroughly to insure that the chemicals they were sprayed with to keep the bugs off are not going to end up in your digestion track or other places. The best defense is not to take in any toxins at all, but unfortunately as our planet becomes more and more polluted our options start to decrease. There is one method that can remove toxins and relieve the stress on your body and can work so effectively that you don't even know that it's doing its job. It is a subtle thing created by Mother Nature herself to help us in this time of great need. Environmental pollution is slowly killing us all. Our bodies do have the natural ability to remove toxins and metals but it is being overrun with them. What it cannot remove it is forced to absorb into your body. Once absorbed the problems begin with sickness, slowly moving, having no energy to the onslaught of disease and illness because of the weakened state of your body. Can your body overcome asthma? I believe so, it's been done before. All you need is to believe and try something new and natural. Do your homework first.

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