
I began having asthma symptoms at the age of three. My mom had a cat and we soon found out the hard way that I was extremely allergic. Thirty years ago asthma medication was still basically in its infant stage and I had a really hard time growing up with asthma. I spent many a holiday in the emergency room because one of my relatives always had a cat or because just the excitement of the day would cause me to have problems breathing and there we would be most of the night with me holding onto the breathing tube.

What is asthma and what is it like? I've run into many, many people that just didn't understand what I was going through. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia on the internet describes asthma as a disease of the human respiratory system where the airways narrow, often in response to a "trigger" such as exposure to an allergen, cold air, exercise, or emotional stress. You know those little straws given with coctails? You know you can still drink through them but the holes are very small? Now imagine breathing through one of those. That's not too bad, is it? Now imagine covering that tiny hole with a cotton ball and still trying to breathe through the other end. Do this for at least 20 minutes to get the full effect. Now you have an idea of what asthma is really like.

I've always hated having to take medicine to control my asthma. When I was young I had to take this awful liquid stuff whenever I felt an attack coming on. It smelled like liquorices but it certainly didn't taste like that. To this day I can't stand the smell of liquorices; it just makes me shutter. That medicine always made me feel so sick. I would always get the shakes the next day and it made me so tired. By the time I got to my teens, I was on to inhalers. Those were so much better to deal with, at least the taste wasn't so bad, but they didn't always do the trick. I started with the over the counter ones and everyone warned me about the many side effects associated with them. I mean who wants to be thinking about the possibility of having a heart attack at the age of 14? Not to mention that these, too would give me the shakes and tremors.

Cats have always been my worst enemy. Why did all of my really, really good friends always have cats as pets? Sleepovers were always a trial and error sort of thing. Sometimes I could sleep all night and others I spent the whole night sucking on that inhaler and hoping for a little breath. I'm terrible with medicine. I really am. Having to remember to take my medication every day is not something I'm really good at. But my asthma would always remind me. Go a day or two and sure enough I was short of breath by the end of the day. I rarely slept through the night without having to reach for my instant relief inhaler.

So for approximately 30 years, this was my life. This past year I personally discovered hypnosis and meditation. I've been intrigued by these before but I finally decided to give them a try. So I started with a healing self hypnosis CD I had found on the internet. I did this hypnosis tape for about a week. I didn't notice it at first but suddenly, probably about a week and a half later I realized that I hadn't needed my inhaler. I also noticed that my depression, which I had suffered from for over 18 years, was not weighing me down either. I could breathe. I felt happy, really happy.

I do this tape periodically now but I also practice daily meditation. I love to meditate. It is so relaxing and refreshing to begin my day with about 20 minutes of meditation. I love my new life. I sure wish I would've done this sooner. It's been more than three months now, I have been completely asthma free and I haven't touched an inhaler once. Even when I caught a cold, which normally would activate my asthma, I was absolutely fine. There are literally thousands of meditation and hypnosis tapes for any ailment that you may have. Hypnosis and meditation; it certainly turned my life around for the better.

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    What Is Asthma

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